We did it!
Kelly Moore raised £735 from 42 supporters
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Closed 14/03/2020
Iʼve raised £735 to Help abandoned kitten with neurological condition.
- Wishaw, UK
- Funded on Saturday, 14th March 2020
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Our little kitten Eleven was found abandoned on a dirt track at around 5 weeks of age. She was completely paralysed on her back end, and because of this vets thought she should be euthanized as they worried she would have no quality of life. We decided to give her a chance and I took her home, hoping with enough care and love eventually she would regain the use of her legs. We made her a wheelchair, tried acupuncture, massage and hydrotherapy. Eventually she started walking BUT unfortunately it became apparent that there was a problem with her bladder. Because of nerve damage, she was unable to urinate on her own. We manage this by expressing her bladder several times daily. But because she can't urinate on her own she frequently gets urine infections. The worry with this is that eventually antibiotics will become resistant and the infection may end up travelling to her kidneys, putting her into kidney failure. We have tried many different medications to see if they would help her urinate on her own, with no success. There is an operation that could help her urinate on her own but it would cost thousands of pounds which we cannot afford alone. Please help us pay for this special little cats ongoing vet treatment and hopefully if we raise enough the possibility for this life changing operation for her.
7 years ago
Kelly Moore
7 years agoWe just would like to thank everyone for all of the support this far. We are more than quarter of the way to our target for Eleven thanks to you guys. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts ❤
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7 years ago
Kelly Moore
7 years agoThank you to everyone that has donated. We have reached 20% of our target so every day we are getting a bit closer to reaching our goal, which is getting Eleven seen by a neurological surgeon in Bristol. First on the agenda would be the CT scan, cystometry to test her bladder function and then hopefully the neuroprosthesis surgery that would help her urine on her own. We are so thankful for everyone's support 💖
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7 years ago
Kelly Moore
7 years agoWe are doing so well, 15% of our target already. We are so thankful for all of the support we have had with this 💜 #fight4eleven 💜
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Kelly Moore started crowdfunding
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Jul 21, 2019
"Get well soon kitty"
Jul 21, 2019
Get better soon Kitty
sandra graham
Feb 27, 2019
Hope you are able to get your operation Eleven 😸
Jan 24, 2019
A wee something xx
sandra graham
Jan 23, 2019
A small gift for Eleven in memory of my baby girl Summer 🌈💕 xx
Ally Wright
Dec 27, 2018
Clare Mcmahon
Dec 24, 2018
No Christmas cards this year just a donation to Eleven 😻 xx
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Kelly Moore
Wishaw, UK
Hi there, my name is Kelly. I work as a vet receptionist and this is how my little special cat Eleven came into my life. A member of public found her on a dirt track and handed her into my practice almost 11 months ago. Help us fight for the chance of a normal life for her.