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Edward Malet de Carteret raised £1,340 from 10 supporters
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Closed 30/10/2017
Iʼve raised £1,340 to Relocate the people of the Carteret Islands in the Pacific to Bougainville. The first climate change refugees because of rising sea levels
- Jersey, Channel Islands
- Funded on Monday, 30th October 2017
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The Carteret Islands and their 3,000 residents in the Pacific Ocean face extinction by submersion
Within our lifetime the islands will be first to disappear under water due to rising sea levels
An ongoing relocation program to their neighbouring island of Bougainville is painfully slow only 80 people have relocated
Your help and interest in the plight of these islanders is vital
Can you help them today?
$ 8,500 will build a home and a new future for a family which will transform their lives from simple fisher folk to cacao planters.
The Carteret Islands were “named” after they were discovered in 1767 by a distant cousin of Ned's, Captain Philip Carteret RN (1733-1796). Philip was the captain of HMS Swallow and was on his second circumnavigation of the globe. He was the Seigneur of Trinity in Jersey and became a Rear-Admiral, dying in Southampton.
The group of 7 islands include Han, Huene and lolassa, They are coral reefs standing some 1.5 metres above the current sea level.
The islanders are Halia speaking Melanesian people who came to the islands some 400 years ago from the neighbouring Baku Island. Before that Polynesians have inhabited the islands for some 1,000 years. There are two native groups, the Nakaripa and Naboen. The societies are matriarchal.
They have survived by living on taros, greens, breadfruit, coconuts and fishing. A supply boat comes once or twice a year from Bougainville, bringing basic food supplies, namely rice.
The islands rest on the world’s largest tectonic plate – the Pacific Plate. King Tides prevail in December.
The Carteret islanders are the World’s first environmental refugees
Monies raised will go directly to Tuele Peisa, an NGO lead by Ursula Rakova who is in close contact with Ned.
There are various videos on You Tube about the islanders plight.
- 7 years ago
Edward Malet de Carteret
7 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Edward Malet de Carteret started crowdfunding
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Sep 22, 2017
Best wishes for success in your efforts to publicise the plight of this remote community. If we lucky Jersey folk get behind you we could help achieve something to be proud of on a truly human scale.
Ian Blelloch
Sep 19, 2017
Good luck Ned.
The Chairman and Committee of Le Cercle De Carteret (Guernsey Branch).
Jul 30, 2017
Le Cercle De Carteret would like to support the Islanders of Carteret as our ancestor Philip De Carteret (The navigator) discovered the Islands. We wish everyone well in this venture.
Graham Brown
Jul 13, 2017
Hello Ned - a good cause, I hope you are able to help these people. Best wishes from Orkney.
Jul 10, 2017
Dear Ned,Paul and I are only to happy to help you in this endevour. Kind regards,Pam Bell
JR - St Helier
Jul 9, 2017
I've never heard of these islands and what with a local connection and fast disappearing. ....Hope you get lots of donations no matter how small.
Jul 9, 2017
Sounds like a great cause that the people of Jersey should get behind given the shared history.
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Edward Malet de Carteret
Jersey, Channel Islands
I an an ex Offshore Financial services employee of 25 years