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Earley Panda raised £2,025 from 98 supporters
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Closed 31/08/2022
Iʼve raised £2,025 to support Earley Panda's London to Paris ride in aid of Action Medical Research, who fund vital research to save and change children’s lives
- Reading
- Funded on Wednesday, 31st August 2022
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Earley Panda is joining Action Medical Research’s mascot, Paddington Bear, to raise vital funds for sick children by taking part in the London to Paris Bike Ride.
The funds raised here will also cover the basic expenses involved in participating.
Wokingham’s mysterious cycling bear, also named Earley Panda has been spreading positivity among residents by cycling around areas including Earley, Woodley, Sonning and Reading since May last year.
🐼Panda cycles for safe cycling campaign, male mental health awareness while spreading joy.
While cycling, Earley Panda creates GPS Doodles and has created GPS art dedicated to Captain Sir Tom Moore, NHS and a unique GPS Art Xmas Advent Calendar.
The Challenge - London to Paris Bike Ride
Imagine our friendly neighbourhood 🐼 Panda cycling from London to Paris campaigning for safe cycling and male mental health awareness and raising funds for sick children.
Starting on 14th July, Panda will be spending 4 days in the saddle and will cycle a little over 300 miles from one iconic world-famous capital city to another.
Organised by Action Medical Research who fund vital research to save and change children’s lives through medical research, developing treatments, vaccinations and cures, Panda is lucky enough to ride shoulder to shoulder with Olympian, former Tour de France stage winner, Yellow Jersey holder and World Tour Directeur Sportif, Sean Yates, a.k.a. "The Animal".
Your donations will also help Panda to buy suitable items of clothing, a new Panda suit, bike upgrade and maintenance and contribution to upcoming charity rides.
Please join Earley🐼Panda in helping Action's fight for little lives and help Panda to contribute to the upcoming fundraiser charity ride from London to Paris.
Any donations are greatly appreciated.
Rangers Cycling Group has joined paws with Panda to fundraise for sick children research. Cyclists from the group are riding 33 miles at 3 Counties Cycle Ride on Sunday, June 12th 2022.
100 Miles - 100 Rocks Ride
As part of training for the big day in July, Panda is participating in many smaller rides.
Earley Panda has decided to honour Captain Sir Tom Moore and build on his incredible legacy by taking the #CaptainTom100 Challenge.
Wokingham's cycling bear will ride from Earley to Captain Tom's house in Bedfordshire and back - just over 100 miles.
Always full of surprises, Panda calculated that Captain Tom's house in the village of Maston Mortaine is 54 miles from Earley. So that gave him the idea to cycle there and back, following a night in a Covid-safe Airbnb.
En route Panda will deposit 100 Earley Rocks (painted and donated by rock painters of Facebook group Earley Rocks) spreading the message of hope and kindness.
- 4 years ago
Earley Panda
4 years agoEarley Panda is grateful to everyone who donated, wished me luck, prayed for my safe journey and supported me in whatever ways they can for #CaptainTom100 challenge.
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- 4 years ago
Earley Panda
4 years agoEarley Panda has decided to honour Captain Sir Tom Moore and build on his incredible legacy by taking the CaptainTom100 Challenge. Wokingham's cycling bear will ride from Earley to Captain Tom's house in Bedfordshire and back - just over 100 miles. En route Panda will deposit 100 Rocks (painted and donated by rock painters of Facebook group Earley Rocks) spreading the message of hope and kindness. It’s worth noticing that Panda has never cycled beyond 30 miles, so to ride 50 miles each day will be a challenge, but one he is happy to accept.
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- 4 years ago
Earley Panda
4 years agoWow!! 20% done. 80% to go.
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Earley Panda started crowdfunding
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Alex Cran
Aug 13, 2022
Great work Panda!
Jun 22, 2022
Good luck!!
Pete Greensmith
Jun 20, 2022
Good luck
Jun 19, 2022
Well done Earley Panda
Ritu Chawla
Jun 19, 2022
Good Luck Ritesh, thats an amazing cause! Keep it up x
Jun 18, 2022
Great going......keep up the good work!
Fiona Hooper
Jun 17, 2022
Good luck - hope it goes well!
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Earley Panda
Earley Panda cycles to campaign for safe cycling on roads & male mental health awareness while spreading joy. While cycling, Earley Panda creates GPS Doodles and has created GPS art dedicated to Captain Sir Tom Moore, NHS and a unique GPS Art Xmas Advent Calendar.