We did it!
Sarah Day, Dylan's Mum. raised £24,578 from 843 supporters
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Closed 22/04/2019
Iʼve raised £24,578 to raise funds in Memory of Dylan Day.
- Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom
- Funded on Monday, 22nd April 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
This page has been open for 16 weeks now, following Dylan's death, on 20th January 2018, from Sepsis. I'd like to say thank you so much to each and every one of you that has shared, and donated to this page, it has meant so much to me and given Sarah, Dylan's mum a real focus sharing his story with you all and raising awareness of this deadly illness, so she can stop others having to go through this. Sarah's fund raising, strength and will has been tremendous, and I feel the time is right to hand this page over to her to continue ( with support of course!).
Originally, I asked for donations to support them, show them the community care, and give some thing to his siblings. Sarah and Phil intend to follow this wish with something for Amelia and Zach, but also and mainly intend to create a long lasting legacy in Dylan's name, and I can't thank you enough for helping Sarah to do this.
If anyone is able to re share, donate, even £1, I know Sarah will do the most amazing things to create a legacy for her beautiful son Dylan. Thanks again, from the bottom of my heart.
- 7 years ago
Sarah Day, Dylan's Mum.
7 years agoI wish I could message each one of you to thank you for your support. This fundraising will give me something to focus on in time. My beautiful brave boy Dylan Day ...... Each morning I wake after a broken nights sleep to beg it’s not reality a life without my son. Much love to you all.Thank you From my heart 💙 you truly are #dylansarmy.I feel lucky to have so many people that care about us & that you are giving us strength to get through each day. 💙 overwhelmed 💙 Love Dylan’s Mum Sarah xxx
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- 7 years ago
Sarah Day, Dylan's Mum.
7 years agoWhat an army for Dylan #dylansarmy xxx love his mummy xx
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- 7 years ago
Sarah Day, Dylan's Mum.
7 years agoDylans army 💙 the response we have had & support is overwhelming. While we have this strong army 💙 for Dylan the sky is the limit for my brave 12 year old boy who died tragically from flu b / sepsis. We need to help others , the teams , The wards , the transport team, ecmo treatment, sepsis awareness, flu awareness, local , schools , dylans football team & his siblings. We will not give up we will help others. No one should loose their child or adult in this why. Thank you all from out heart xxxx Dylan’s parents xxxxxx
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Sarah Day, Dylan's Mum. started crowdfunding
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Dawn Hancock
Apr 21, 2019
Kevin Gilbert
Mar 17, 2019
Hi Folks , After operation for Cancer in Aug 2014 I contracted Sepsis in Sep 2014. I was lucky , A senior Nurse , Judy , saved my life at my biopsy by thoroughly going over Sepsis . Good Luck
Nancy Kenmare
Jan 28, 2019
So sad no mother should loose a child.
Jan 27, 2019
God bless your family know this story only to well with my brother xxxx
Jan 22, 2019
Thank you for fighting to raise awareness of sepsis despite your loss.
Dec 24, 2018
Oct 1, 2018
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