Iʼve raised £8 to Pay for a project called 'Dying for Drugs' money raised will be used to fund a website and equipment to educate young people to save lives
- Sheffield, United Kingdom
- Funded on Wednesday, 7th December 2016
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My name is Steve Shaw and I need your help to educate teenagers, and younger people to raise awareness about drugs and addiction. Lately I have seen many young people involved with drugs, who are destroying their lives without even knowing it. Some of these young people are my friends children which is why I have decided to help. I am building a foundation called Dying for Drugs I need help to fund a website for the first year which will then keep raising funds to help educate and hopefully save lives of young people. A two hour professional presentation including a video will be made of people telling their own stories about their past addiction warning teens about drugs that will be shown in schools, collages, and youth clubs and on the website, money raised here will go towards making a film about the dangers of taking drugs and what can happen, Audio/video equipment for the presentation and a van so we can travel around the U.K. to show the presentation the rest will be spent on products to make information booklets to be given to students. Our government has cut funding for many things including the education of drugs which is not on the curriculum and as adults we know that prevention is better than cure. All money raised from the website will help continue to fund the u.k. tour of schools plus help various charity's around the U.K. who provide professional help for people aged between 10 and 19 years old. For many youngsters it is already too late we must act now to try to educate as many teens as we can so they are fully aware of the dangers and risks they are taking ,I know from personal experience the impact of drug taking has on young people and their family's, my project will not only help young people but will in the end save the N.H.S. and the tax payer thousands of pounds. We must get this message across. DRUGS IS NOT THE ANSWER DRUGS WONT SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS DRUGS WILL KILL YOU. Please donate what you can and help to keep teens safe. Thank you.
- 8 years ago
Steve shaw
8 years agoDying for drugs project will not only help thousands of teenagers and young people but if we can reduce the amount of teens using or trying drugs or help those already taking drugs to stop then we will also reduce the amount of emergency hospital admissions saving the NHS and the TAX PAYER hundreds of thousands of pounds each year.
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- 8 years ago
Steve shaw
8 years agoMy webpage is almost ready to be published not long I will let everyone know through our Facebook page: dyingfordrugssavinglives and on our twitter page @dyingfordrugs thank you.
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- 8 years ago
Steve shaw
8 years agoIf you are a business and would like to help but do not want to donate cash but could help us by giving us or purchasing equipment for us that we need please email: Dyingfordrugs@gmail.com for a list of equipment we need to take the presentation in to schools etc. thank you
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Steve shaw started crowdfunding
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Aug 29, 2016
Every penny donated could help save a person you love from a drug induced death. Most of which are accidental because people do not know enough about the harm drugs do even in the smallest doses.
lauren Simons
Aug 18, 2016
hope this helps a little
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Steve shaw
Sheffield, United Kingdom
'Dying for Drugs' A foundation to help prevent young people getting involved with drugs before its too late as prevention is better than cure. A website will educate, give advice and information and continue to raise money for charity's to help save the lives of our teenagers.