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Closed 28/12/2022
Iʼve raised £0 to Hypothesis of Dual Element Universe If you support me, you facilitate me to make my research activity a full-time job.
- Nottingham, UK
- Closed on Wednesday, 28th December 2022
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I created a hypothesis that could create a uniform order among the tangled theories of physics. The hypothesis combines the known phenomenon and interaction. You can read it on webpage.
Describing and proving the hypothesis is time consuming, a bit strenuous in addition to work and would require some experimentation as well. Nevertheless, I would like to continue the work and produce a fully detailed, correctly proven theoretical description. Since I am not a physicist, in fact not any scientist, I don't have any publications or any scientific background, I can only count on community help to continue my work. If you are reading this page, I think, you are convinced my hypothesis may be correct and worthy of improvement, so if you have the opportunity, please, support me in achieving of my goal.
I know I still have a lot of work to do with my hypothesis that could be done effectively on a full-time basis. I and my family, like everyone else, need money for life and earning it is only possible by daily work. If you can support me with any amount, you facilitate me to make my research activity a full-time job. With this, you too can be part of perfecting and proof this - in my opinion – great theory.
Thank you
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