We did it!
Bobby Ceillam raised £700 from 50 supporters
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Closed 28/08/2017
Iʼve raised £700 to go towards a reward for the conviction of the person or persons who ran over a family of ducks.
- Funded on Monday, 28th August 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
This page has been set up to raise money to go towards a reward for the person or persons who give information that leads to a conviction of the person or persons who ran over a family of ducks in Guernsey.
If a conviction is not successful the money raised will be donated to the GSPCA in Guernsey
Updates appear here
Bobby Ceillam started crowdfunding
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Ash Ford-Parker
Jul 30, 2017
Annie B
Jul 30, 2017
Hoping justice is done.
Louise Hesse
Jul 30, 2017
Paul Tinsley
Jul 30, 2017
Rosalie Tinsley
Jul 30, 2017
I think that this should be stopped, accidental road kill if reported is acceptable. But this seems to ba a deliberate act of killing, so therefore I believe that the culprits be caught and named .
Uncle Daffy.
Jul 30, 2017
Jul 30, 2017
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