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Stjon Bavin raised £660 from 27 supporters
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Closed 21/11/2018
Iʼve raised £660 to help out the Dr MacKinnon Memorial Hospital on the Isle of Skye.
- Funded on Wednesday, 21st November 2018
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As some of you may be aware we recently had to call on the services of the Dr Mackinnon Memorial Hospital, whilst we were staying on the Isle of Skye. After an accident, our son, aka 'Squeaky' needed to be checked for head injuries and was taken to the only hospital on the island, located over fifty miles from where the accident took place, by one of only four ambulances stationed on the Island. After Squeaky was checked over and had had an X-ray it was discovered that he had a fractured skull but because of the hospitals limited resources they weren't able to carry out any further tests to establish if there were any other internal problems or injuries. Most hospitals have access to CT Scanner, to say nothing of consultants and doctors who specialise in paediatrics. The Dr Mackinnon Memorial Hospital has none of these. Just dedicated and well trained staff who do their very best and when necessary, call on the air ambulance service to transfer patients who require treatment and further care, that they simply can not give.
Please click on the link below for the full details of the accident.
To say this Hospital was amazing would be an understatement and the quality of service they provided was above and beyond anything you expect from a hospital ten times the size. As i mentioned above, although the hospital is funded by the NHS, is not equipped to deal with everything and everyone who walks through their doors and looks after the population of Skye, as best they can. As such we would like to raise as much money as we can, not only to say a huge thank you to them but to also help them continue to provide a fantastic service and helps others with the same smile and kindness they gave to us.
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Stjon Bavin started crowdfunding
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Aug 28, 2018
Well done, great cause.
Stjon Bavin
Aug 27, 2018
Aug 24, 2018
Johan Olivier
Aug 23, 2018
TV games, really? Why not swim the channel...
Aug 21, 2018
Natasha Jane
Aug 21, 2018
I don't normally donate to health related charities given they get all of my time and energy as it is, but this is the exception that proves the rule...
Emma Bairstow-Ellis
Aug 19, 2018
We meant to do this before but life’s been a bit manic. Great cause, great way to raise funds.Love to all of youEm & Marc xxx
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