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Adam Courtney raised £1,955 from 65 supporters
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Closed 17/05/2020
Iʼve raised £1,955 to Provide PPE visors to frontline healthcare workers at GP surgeries, NHS hospitals, Care homes, homecare workers and more.
- Godmanchester, Cambs
- Funded on Sunday, 17th May 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
There are generally two ways to create a PPE Visor by community makers like me. The first, and most common way, is by using a 3D printer. Using filament extruded under ~200c temperature you can create a frame to hold the visor, each frame takes approximately 1.5-2 hours to make in this manner.
The second is by laser cutter, lasers are more expensive to buy but use cheaper materials and they are also fast - using a different design we can create a reuseable head strap from a polypropelene sheet in around 4-5 minutes. Using a larger bed and with some design tweaks the laser we have we can create 5 of these head strap sets in around 20 minutes.
Thus by using laser cutters we can significantly increase the outputs required to assist further frontline carers such as Hospitals, Social Nursing, CareHomes, Pharmacies and GP Surgeries.
As above the headbands are made from polypropelene and thus can be retained and cleansed easily. With the Visor being made from simple and widely obtainable acete binding cover sheets hole punched with a common a4 (set to a6) hole punch.
Additionally the design used can withstand knocks, bumps and other forces, more so than PETG, PLA or even ABS 3D printed designs, in fact you could take the head band, fold it up into your pocket and then get it out again, attach a new visor and use it again. It could be stored in a back pack and used as required which is great for mobile workers.
I purchased the laser, some £5000 from my own funds, my time is my own and so your donations will go solely and directly to material supply and any transport costs (postage) to get these to the people who need them fast. Where available (local) i'm delivering them myself to again remove costs.
If there is a laser company/distributor out there that might like to donate another laser, 40watt or above that'd be great as i could then double production. I'd be happy to vector on text of your donation.
Finally the £7500 is an aim, the more the better, EVERY £ goes towards materials and this equipment is going to be required not just during lockdown but for months. As we all hear in the media PPE supply is a gargantuan effort for the government to supply the NHS frontline let alone GP's, Care Homes and other carers.
Below is a timelapse video of the construction..
- 5 years ago
Adam Courtney
5 years agoMore happy people, thumbs up all round. Great job you are doing - keep up the good work, spurs me on to do more.... #staysafe
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- 5 years ago
Adam Courtney
5 years agoAnother 300 awaiting collection to go to an NHS Hospital Trust this evening......
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- 5 years ago
Adam Courtney
5 years agoHad some production downtime yesterday, to clean out the laser and maintain it, the PSU has developed a fault and thus its running slower than normal whilst i wait for a new one from the US. None the less its back to production today
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Adam Courtney started crowdfunding
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Fellowes Farm Equine Clinic
May 15, 2020
Your visors have allowed us to safely continue to treat sick and injured horses through this difficult time. Many thanksEveryone at Fellowes Farm Equine Clinic
Nick A
May 11, 2020
Great job Adam!
May 8, 2020
Thank you Adam for what you are doing.It will make myself feel a lot safer in working with the homeless
Angela Gathercole
May 6, 2020
Thank you for our masks. Ian can now go to the Doctors without me going into a worry melt down. What you are doing is amazing. Really proud of you. Love Ange & Ian
May 5, 2020
Well done
Ian Mellor
May 5, 2020
Hi Adam. I’ll post on LinkedIn this morning to spread the word. Great work!
Val, Alex & Emma Bickerton
May 2, 2020
What a lovely thing to do which will be much appreciated by many!
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