We did it!
Anita Russell raised £4,590.49 from 60 supporters
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Closed 03/06/2022
Iʼve raised £4,590 to Support the memory of Dominic and his love of football by donating to Doverhouse Lions FC
- Roehampton London
- Funded on Friday, 3rd June 2022
Don't have time to donate right now?
In remembrance of Dominic, his love of sport and his passion for football, Doverhouse Lions have been asked by his family to launch a JustGiving Page to enable friends and family to make a donation in his memory. All donations will go towards creating a legacy in his honour.
Doverhouse Lions Youth,Adult,Girls & Disability Football Club is a leading community based organisation that is building better lives through sport for young people. With more than 17 years of experience, we use the power of sport to provide meaningful education pathways, and a broad range of initiatives focusing on employment, social deprivation, crime reduction, youth offending, health, inclusion, environmental, and sporting opportunities to focus on a positive future awaking the realisation that every young person matters. At the heart of Doverhouse Lions FC’s voluntary work is a commitment to empowering the most vulnerable members of the communities from which we engage young people, including Roehampton, Putney,
Updates appear here
Anita Russell started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Neville Hall
Apr 28, 2022
remembering Dominic
The Hodge Family
Apr 10, 2022
Here’s to bringing more people as much joy as Dom found in playing football
Will Morris
Mar 30, 2022
Jamie and Ivy Cook
Mar 22, 2022
In loving memory of a good friend.
Piers & Sophie Edwards
Mar 22, 2022
Hoping this can help create a brighter future in what is a wonderful initiative.
Family Holdcroft
Mar 20, 2022
In loving memory of a wonderful husband to George and Daddy to F, B and C xxx
Mar 19, 2022
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Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered charity.
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Anita Russell
Roehampton London
Co Founder of Doverhouse Lions FC, Club Secretary and Child Welfare Office of 17 years.