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Prof. Doris Merkl-Davies raised £2,600 from 40 supporters
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Closed 07/01/2020
Iʼve raised £2,600 to provide Bangor UCU members on low salaries with compensation for lost earnings of up to £75 on Day 1 of industrial action
- Bangor
- Funded on Tuesday, 7th January 2020
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Bangor UCU strike fund for members on low salaries
65.3% of Bangor University are on casualised contracts (i.e., zero hours or fixed-term). This often goes hand in hand with being on a low salary. Bangor UCU is setting up a discretionary strike fund which aims to provide financial support for members earning less than £30,000 p.a., who engage in industrial action during the upcoming 8-day national strike on pension justice and justice on pay & equality. Members who meet the criteria will be able to claim compensation for lost earnings of up to £75 on the first day of industrial action on pension justice and justice on pay & equality. From Day 2 onwards, they will be able to claim up to £75 from the UCU national strike fund. The Bangor UCU discretionary strike fund aims to ensure that ALL of our members can participate in industrial action by providing financial support from Day 1. Bangor UCU is providing at least £1,000 from its branch fund, but we also seek donations to increase financial support for members on low pay from the first of eight days of strike action.
Mae 65.3% o staff Prifysgol Bangor ar gontractau ansefydlog (fel contractau dim oriau neu gontractau tymor penodol). Yn aml iawn, maen nhw ar gyflogau isel hefyd. Mae UCU Bangor yn sefydlu cronfa streic i ddarparu cefnogaeth ariannol i aelodau sy’n ennill llai na £30,000 y blwyddyn a sy’n mynd i gymryd rhan mewn gweithredu diwydiannol am wyth diwrnod dros cyfiawnder pensiynau a chyfiawnder tâl a chydraddoldeb. Bydd yr aelodau sy’n ennill llai na £30,000 yn gallu hawlio iawndal am golledion cyflog hyd at £75 ar ddiwrnod cyntaf o weithredu diwydiannol. O’r ail diwrnod ymlaen, bydd yr aelodau hyn yn gallu hawlio hyd at £75 o gronfa streic genedlaethol UCU. Nod y gronfa leol yw sicrhau bod POB aelod yn gallu cymryd rhan mewn gweithredu diwydiannol trwy ddarparu cefnogaeth ariannol o’r diwrnod cyntaf. Bydd UCU Bangor yn darparu o leiaf £1,000 o’i gronfa gangen, ond rydym yn ceisio rhoddion i gynyddu ein cefnogaeth i aelodau ar gyflogau isel o’r cyntaf o wyth diwrnod o streicio.
Eight days of strike action called in HE disputes
- 5 years ago
Prof. Doris Merkl-Davies
5 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 5 years ago
Prof. Doris Merkl-Davies
5 years agoWe have raid £680 in two days. We are £70 away from being able to support 10 striking Bangor UCU members on low pay on Day 1 of the strike. Let's make sure that every Bangor UCU member, irrespective of their income, is able to take strike action.
Share this update to help us raise more
- 5 years ago
Prof. Doris Merkl-Davies
5 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Prof. Doris Merkl-Davies started crowdfunding
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Sian Owen
Dec 17, 2019
Dec 16, 2019
Dec 16, 2019
Thanks for taking this initiative in support of colleagues on low pay!
Dec 12, 2019
Mewn undod.
Dec 11, 2019
Dec 10, 2019
Dec 10, 2019
Rhodd gan gangen Prifysgol Cymru mewn undod / a gift from the University of Wales branch in solidarity
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Prof. Doris Merkl-Davies
I am the Vice-President of Bangor University College Union (UCU) / Fi yw is-lywydd Bangor Undeb Prifysgol a Choleg (UCU)