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Doncaster Jamia Masjid raised £4,231 from 34 supporters


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Closed 14/10/2020

raised of £500,000 target by 34 supporters

    Iʼve raised £4,231 to Help the Doncaster Mosque Expansion Project

    Funded on Wednesday, 14th October 2020

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    السَلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اَللهِ وَبَرَكاتُه

    May the peace and blessings of Allāh Ta’ālā be upon all who read and respond to this urgent appeal. Many years ago, when the Muslim population first started to expand in Doncaster, our respected elders came together to establish what became known as the first Masjid in the town. They spent tireless efforts fundraising and because of the help of Allāh Ta’ālā and their hard efforts, our Masjid has served the community well providing a place to pray, gather for sermons and a safe place for our young people to learn Arabic, Qur’ān and their Deen and become upstanding and caring members of our community, and society as a whole.,

    Alhamdulillāh by the Grace of Allāh Ta’ālā, we have a chance to build on what started so many years ago. Doncaster Jāmi’a Masjid has recently received the great news of being able to purchase the Church located next-door to the Masjid. However, due to the large amount of work that needs to be done and to secure this building as part of the Masjid, the Masjid needs URGENT help with collecting funds. We have an increasing number of worshippers, but the space in the Masjid is becoming tighter and tighter which as a result, congregational prayers on Friday and the Day of Eid are sometimes having to be prayed outside in the car park area. We invite you, our dear brothers and sisters in faith, to invest in a project that will give you guaranteed return in the Hereafter. Your donation will help build a place for our present, but more importantly, our future generations . A place where they may come and worship in and a place for our children to learn in and build strong foundations for their life and to be knowledgeable and good examples and valuable members of our society. Our Beloved Messenger ﷺ says,

    “Whoever builds a mosque for Allāh, Allāh will build for him a house like it in Paradise.” [Bukhārī, Muslim]

    Funds are URGENTLY needed to:

    - Complete the purchase of the church at a cost of £160,000

    - Renovate and convert the church into a suitable worship place for Muslims

    - Expand on our current Madrasah

    - Build a much needed Islamic Community Centre which will include facilities for seminars and lectures, hall bookings for events and weddings, community food banks for the homeless, a library, an Islamic School/Madrasah for our future generation, funeral services and much more projects, some being the very first of their kind in Doncaster.

    Have you ever put your hand in the pocket of a jacket that you haven’t worn for a while and to your delight found some coins? Many of us have. Now imagine the delight you will feel on the Day of Judgement from giving towards the Masjid now, to help the Masjid in the quest for a better place for our growing community to come to. For every Salāh an individual prays, for every letter a child learns you will be sowing your rewards to reap in the Hereafter. This is a great chance for you to invest in an everlasting reward opportunity and Sadaqah Jāriyah. After a few months you may have forgotten your donation, but Allāh Ta’ālā does not forget and He rewards without measure.

    Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said,

    “Giving in charity does not decrease wealth” [Sahīh Muslim]

    Whatever you give large or small is most gratefully accepted and will be put to the best use possible. We ask Allāh Ta’ālā to reward each and every one of you abundantly in both this life and the hereafter. Please donate generously and if this is not within your means, then please spread this message and remember us in your noble prayers.


    Doncaster Jamia Masjid,

    Fundraising Team



    • Doncaster Jamia Masjid5 years ago
      Doncaster Jamia Masjid

      Doncaster Jamia Masjid

      5 years ago

      Alhamdulillāh great news! The church building next to the Masjid was purchased in November. There is now some building work inside that needs completing before the opening! Watch this space ☺️👍🏼

      Share this update to help us raise more

    • Doncaster Jamia Masjid5 years ago
      Doncaster Jamia Masjid

      Doncaster Jamia Masjid

      5 years ago

      Update from the Page owner

      Share this update to help us raise more

    • Doncaster Jamia Masjid5 years ago
      Doncaster Jamia Masjid

      Doncaster Jamia Masjid

      5 years ago

      Share this update to help us raise more

    5 years ago

    Doncaster Jamia Masjid started crowdfunding

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    Page last updated on: 12/12/2019 01.15



    • Anonymous


      Dec 12, 2019

    • Anonymous


      Dec 8, 2019

    • Anonymous


      Dec 8, 2019

    • Anonymous


      Dec 8, 2019

      Keep up the fantastic work. I look forward to the female-only facilities. I'm glad that their is a masjid in Doncaster as I will be commuting soon to the area. May Allah (swt) bless your efforts!

    • Anonymous


      Nov 22, 2019

    • Anonymous


      Nov 11, 2019


    • Anonymous


      Nov 8, 2019


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