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Miss KM Morgan raised £1,205 from 74 supporters
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Closed 26/04/2023
Iʼve raised £1,205 to Thank Sheffield Children's Hospital for the care and support offered to both Dexter and Harper. As well as help with crucial refurbishments.
- Doncaster
- Funded on Wednesday, 26th April 2023
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There are many areas of the hospital that are in desperate need of refurbishment to improve their level of care, and so any of the money raised will go to them as a way of thanking them for the work they have done to care for our children.
There are two children in which we would like to raise money on behalf of to show our appreciation for the hospital.
Saturday 22nd October 2022, my 3 year old boy Dexter, left his father's side and ran between two parked cars and into the road where he was hit by a car doing 30mph. The driver dived out the car and performed rescue breaths on Dexter. He was airlifted to Sheffield Childrens Hospital where he was ventilated and sedated. Dexter underwent various ultra sounds, CT scans, EEG scans and blood tests to try discover the true amount of damage created after the accident.
He was sedated for 3 days, before nearly a whole week later before both his eyes opened fully. Following the accident Dexter had an MRI which diagnosed him with a Diffuse Axonal Injury which is when the brain has areas of bruising and swelling. He spent 12 weeks in hospital and has come along way having to learn to eat talk and walk all over again. Hes was discharged 6th Jan 23 where his journey has entered a new route dealing with ataxia of the whole right side of his body and fatigue.
The second child is a beautiful 10 month girl named Harper who has spent only a week at home her entire life. She was diagnosed with Ponto Cereblar Hypoplasia and Ventricular Megoly. She has a shunt fitted in her brain and has undergone a vast amount of surgeries sadly these are just the tip of the ice berg of her battles. She has to be fed via an NG tube and is under 24hr supervision by staff and her parents. Sheffield Children's ICU & HDU work hard to try give her the best care and quality of life during her stay. There's a long road ahead but shes doing amazingly well.
I will be participating in many tasks, I shall keep this page updated with everything on the journey
- 2 years ago
Miss KM Morgan
2 years agoMy next fundraising event for Sheffield Children's Hospital NHS and Charity will be an Abseil on 13th March to raise money for the hospital to have a Helipad built. When Dexter had to be airlifted to the hospital we had to land in the park opposite the A&E meaning we had to walk passed many strangers staring and speculating at one of the worst moments of my life! Please help by donating whatever you can to ensure no more parents have to endure this NEW FUNDRAISING PAGE: https://events.tchc.org.uk/fundraisers/kelly-marieburns/abseil-march2023
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- 2 years ago
Miss KM Morgan
2 years agoAnd its done! This legend has shaved his eyebrows and beard in order to raise money for this amazing charity!
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- 2 years ago
Miss KM Morgan
2 years agoUpdate on Dexter! Dexters still doing well, his mobility is improving and barely uses his walking frame now. His appetite is ever growing so we are hoping we can work towards ng removal soon. Dexter did really well with focussed learning today and was able to match animal, number and colour cards today as well as repeating words. He had his first visit back to school on tuesday where the physio team assessed his needs and he will be returning in the new term! Dexters dad is going to shave his beard as our next fundraising activity!! Video soon
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Miss KM Morgan started crowdfunding
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Apr 20, 2023
Best wishes Dexter ❤️🩹🙏
Feb 28, 2023
All from lives
Jess Patterson
Feb 28, 2023
Feb 28, 2023
Feb 12, 2023
Feb 12, 2023
We’ll have all the eyebrows
Naomi patterson
Feb 12, 2023
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