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Moira Kenny raised £625 from 21 supporters
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Closed 08/05/2023
Iʼve raised £625 to Help the descendants of Chinese seamen who were forcibly deported after WWII from Liverpool to research their ancestry and find answers.
- Funded on Monday, 8th May 2023
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Kellie-ann Flower and Anne Tighe-Pearson are researching on behalf of families who are traumatised after learning that their father and grandfather was secretly deported. Hundreds of men, women and children have been affected by this racist event that happened in Liverpool after WWII.
From 1946 the British Government forcibly deported over 2300 Chinese seamen who had worked for Blue Funnel Shipping Line. Beginning in those autumn months of 1945, the Blue Funnel repatriation ships were anchored out in the middle of the Mersey, their cargo hatches empty of the usual crates and barrels, and instead rigged up with makeshift bunkbeds. The Liverpool police and immigration officers drove around the city, in particular to multi-occupancy addresses in Chinatown, such as the Alfred Holt-run boarding houses, rounding up the men and taking them out to the anchored ships, from which there was then no escape.
Kellie-ann and Ann are grandchildren of deported seamen and are researching on behalf of the families, they need funds to pay for research sites and to visit the Archives in Kew. They want to help people who need counselling and who want to take a DNA test to find out where their heritage. The Government is not offering help and support. They need answers before it is too late. The 'children' are now 80 and want to know the truth.
- 2 years ago
Moira Kenny
2 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Moira Kenny started crowdfunding
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Sheila Hughes
Jan 26, 2023
Good luck!
Jan 25, 2023
Jan 23, 2023
Jan 23, 2023
Lynda Sergeant
Jan 23, 2023
Good LuckI'm with you all the way 💕
Richard & Sian MacDonald
Jan 23, 2023
Jan 23, 2023
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