We did it!
Lottie's Legacy raised £8,683.51 from 306 supporters
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Closed 02/06/2023
Iʼve raised £8,683 to Sunderland Royal Hospital Maternity Bereavement Services
- South shields
- Funded on Friday, 2nd June 2023
Don't have time to donate right now?
No one ever wants to be in the position that we were in on 23rd December 2021. The day we felt like our worlds had ended. We had to say goodbye to our beautiful baby girl Lottie who was only 2 and a half days old. Her death was avoidable and neglect was found by the coroner.
Losing a baby isn't the natural progression of life, it isn't expected and is seriously damaging on the heart and soul. To provide some healing at a time so sad is something we'd like to do as a gift from our little angel.
We are so very grateful for the support that we received by the Sunderland Royal Neo Natel team and our bereavement midwife Charlotte Mutton and we would really love to give something back.
We want to provide a legacy for our baby girl Lottie and buy 'a cuddle blanket' so that loved ones can hold their precious baby that bit longer and contribute to a memorial garden to those that have lost their beautiful babies like ours.
Bereavement of a baby is unimaginable and not really talked about. Doing this hopefully raises awareness of baby loss and provides comfort for those in one of the most heart breaking moments possible.
Our fundraising target is £5000.00 and will be doing various events to raise the money, one being 'The Three Peak Challenge' and other being a 10 mile walk along South Shields coastline. We know it is a lot and we are also aware that people already give generously to other worthwhile causes so any donation, how small, would be wonderful.
Thank you for all of your love and support,
Lottie's Mam and Dad,
Emma and Davey
2 years ago
Lottie's Legacy
2 years agoWe can't believe how much has been raised so far due to the generosity of you. Thank you so so much. It means the world. If any of you woman out there would like to join us on the coast 10 mile walk please get in touch and let me know 07854212566. Meet at the New Crown 10am and wear pink ❤️ On other news! A huge well done to our Bereavement Midwife Charlotte Mutton who won bereavement midwife of the year. We were privileged to be down London at the Landmark hotel to support and witness her winning this amazing award. So deserved X
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Dawn Ramshaw
May 24, 2023
May 21, 2023
Good luck with challenge butty and a good cause x
Brian and urs
May 15, 2023
Well done Megan and Claire. 💕lotties walk 💕
May 15, 2023
Lotties raffle raised an amazing £1000 x
Julie Williams and the domestics from STH
May 12, 2023
Anuradha Vedhara
May 10, 2023
Well done Kate. What a heartfelt cause.
Christine Ballands from McGuinness
May 3, 2023
Proud to add to your fantastic total xxx
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser

Lottie's Legacy
South shields
We want to provide a legacy for our baby girl Lottie and buy 'a cuddle blanket' so that loved ones can hold their precious baby that bit longer and contribute to a memorial garden to those that have lost their beautiful babies like ours.