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david steele raised £65 from 7 supporters
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Closed 30/03/2018
Iʼve raised £65 to Help fund a Nurture Room at Netherton Infant and Nursery School
- Netherton, Huddersfield, UK
- Funded on Friday, 30th March 2018
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As a chance to do something different, I've made a request for NO LEAVING PRESENT when I leave Wates. I've got plenty of great memories to take with me, as well as lasting friendships that are worth more than "stuff". Instead, I thought this would be a great opportunity to do something positive and raise some money for a project that means a lot to me.
My partner Karen is the head teacher at Netherton Infant and Nursery School. This year, she and the school launched a drive to raise as much as possible to provide a specially-built facility known as a NURTURE ROOM.
Nurture rooms provide a safe, quiet space for children who - for what ever reason - don't cope well in a classroom environment. It's here that time can be taken to allow children to think, to talk, to listen and to calm down.
Not all children who act up in class are "naughty". Some of them are dealing with massive issues in their home life, and spaces like these give them the opportunity to do so in a safe way.
The room also functions as a teaching environment for home life. Some of the kids in our schools have never eaten at a table before, so this provides them with the opportunity to learn basic skills like eating with a knife and fork, which makes life that little bit easier when they need to mix with others later in life.
So, thank you all for your fantastic support over the last decade or so. I've met some really great people at Wates. I'm asking for your support one last time - please help this project in any way you can. The school is already doing loads of fund raising this year and next, but every contribution will make the dream a step closer to being realised.
- 7 years ago
david steele
7 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
david steele started crowdfunding
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Alison Tew
Mar 9, 2018
Good luck for the future David, hope you enjoy your new job :-)
pedro nogueira
Mar 6, 2018
All the best of luck David, you will be missed!!
Jane Seabright
Mar 2, 2018
Good Luck and the very best of wishes are sent to you as you depart Wates for a new career adventure! Hope you reach your target for the Nurture Room beautiful thought :o)
Dom Dyer
Mar 2, 2018
Carla White
Mar 2, 2018
You must now elsewhere sprinkle your magicBut not with Wates, which is very tragic We will miss you lots our Steeley DaveAt least you leave us with Marris and Wade
Graham Marchant
Feb 28, 2018
great idea David and typical of you being so selfless!! id be expecting a case of beer and a voucher!!! :)
Angie Eardley
Feb 27, 2018
Every little helps. Good luck with the 'Nuture room' what a lovely idea!
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