We did it!
DAVID MARTIN raised £12,040 from 543 supporters
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Closed 23/01/2020
Iʼve raised £12,040 to We must get Mum Yvonne with Mekala during this hard time.And not worry how to fund it
- Funded on Thursday, 23rd January 2020
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When someone is struck with Sad News. They needs friends to rally round and help.Well This is one of those times, "believe me" .Mekala is in a critical condition in Vietnam . So We need to get Yvonne across there .For those who know the family this has come as a very severe blow, As they also have young Danny boy to look after at home .So we as friends need to help them not to worry about how they can ensure family is with Mekala. Thanks folks for your help xx
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DAVID MARTIN started crowdfunding
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Jan 11, 2020
Iain Highley
Nov 30, 2019
Nov 4, 2019
Get well soon xx
Nov 4, 2019
Oct 25, 2019
Margo Falconer
Oct 23, 2019
❤️ love to you Mekela and family from a former Panner..( Margo wilson) Hope you are home soon xx
Gemma Cosgrove
Oct 23, 2019
Hi, I work with Ann-Marie Quigley and wanted to show my support.
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family received a call this morning to inform them that Mekala is now critical and in an isolation unit. So we are working on getting her mum over to be with her. I'm sure you will all realise how Yvonne's feeling at the moment she's now critical.Trying to get Yvonne over there