We did it!
David Baldwin raised £530 from 14 supporters
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Closed 31/07/2020
Iʼve raised £530 to fund the Stonesfield Mutual Aid Covid 19 hardship fund. Stonesfield Mutual Aid is a community group raising funds for Stonesfield residents
- Stonesfield, Oxfordshire
- Funded on Friday, 31st July 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
Stonesfield Mutual Aid is a community group raising money to help Stonesfield residents who need emergency funds due to the current Covid 19 crisis. We have a committee of 4 local people who will approve grants, including a treasurer who will manage published accounts.
Any funding raised will go directly to the residents who need it. In addition, we have a popular Facebook group providing advice and sources of help for local people. We are offering support, advice and financial help to cover emergencies. We will be delivering a leaflet to every household in the village offering help and asking for donations.
Foodbanks are overstretched and under resourced, and some have closed suddenly. Initially we see our grants providing emergency food provision while we find more permanent sources of help. We will adjust our provision depending on need and the resources we have available.
Donations will be gratefully received and will be supplemented by grant applications from local government and charities.
If we come to the end of the crisis and have funds remaining, we will consult donors for advice. We may donate remaining funds to existing charities in the village, return the funds to donors or continue to help local people In a more permanent way.
Committee members are Sharon Acum (Treasurer), Dave Baldwin, Kate Harris and Kate Maroney. Please feel free to contact any of us directly to request a grant or discuss any donations in complete confidence.
- 4 years ago
David Baldwin
4 years agoJust a note to say thank you for your generous support. We have been able to provide emergency grants to Stonesfield families and help with food and advice. The North Oxford foodbank has also been very helpful. Working with the Chippy Larder and St Marys Church we have been able to bring thousands of pounds worth of food into the village, This scheme is now closing. We still have funds available and will help where required. Please keep us in mind if your hear of any neighbours in need. Thank you all once again for your support.
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David Baldwin started crowdfunding
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Apr 29, 2020
Carry on with your amazing work
Joanne Alley
Apr 26, 2020
Apr 21, 2020
Hope this donation will be useful
Brian & Bryony
Apr 17, 2020
Anne Bowles
Apr 13, 2020
Apr 11, 2020
Apr 9, 2020
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
David Baldwin
Stonesfield, Oxfordshire
Parish councillor, Stonesfield Parish Council.