We did it!
Dave Shaw raised £865 from 35 supporters
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Closed 22/08/2017
Iʼve raised £865 to Help raise money to fund stem cell treatment in Arizona
- Tollerton, United Kingdom
- Funded on Tuesday, 22nd August 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
Imagine this..
You're going about your life, then something happens that throws it all out of balance. You have a stroke which paralyses you to the point where you can't do all that you used to do, even to the point you can't even tie your own shoe laces.
You hear about it frequently in older people, but not so frequently in younger ones. This is what happened to me at the age of 29.
I was having fun one night playing pool with my friends. I ended my evening in a coma.
I made a recovery, but my life has not been the same as it was before. Hard work and perseverance have helped somewhat, but there are more things that can be done. I have researched in to stem cell therapy, which has been found to improve health drastically. But this comes at a price. The treatment is offered in America, but not in the UK (NHS or privately). I need to raise around £7000 to be able to go there, and to have this treatment. This wouldn't be the end of the work to get better, as afterwards I would need to have intensive physiotherapy to make the most of the stem cells.
But having them will help immensely towards achieving a normal life again.
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Dave Shaw started crowdfunding
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Charlotte Royce
Aug 2, 2017
Good Luck Dave :-)
Ellie Varney
Aug 2, 2017
Aug 2, 2017
Sorry it csnt be more x
Karen Chamarette
Jul 28, 2017
Good luck, Dave :)
Rob Giles
Jul 27, 2017
All the best Dave.
Helen Coppins
Jul 27, 2017
All the best to a fellow Red xx
Hayley Sowerby
Jul 27, 2017
good luck
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