We did it!
Dave Cavill raised £95 from 1 supporter
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Closed 07/06/2017
Iʼve raised £95 to help fund the restoration of my mitsubishi starion rally car.
- Luton, Bedfordshire.
- Funded on Wednesday, 7th June 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
hi all.
I am looking for donations to help restore my ex- ralliart mitsubishi starion rally car.
I have owned the car for near on 10 years but I have got to a point where I am stuck.
The past 10 years have been tough to say the least, I served in Iraq, lost my mother, lost both grandparents, had a collapsed lung and an infection resulting in 3 months off work and I have recently found that I have a heart condition which at the moment is making everything quite tiring. I am at the point where i am having to ask for help.
the car is a genuine former ralliart Europe group-a rally car.
any help towards getting the car sprayed would be amazing.
thank you:)
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Dave Cavill started crowdfunding
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Ashley Wensak
Mar 8, 2017
Just a little bit to get the ball rolling, mate. The odd amount is so I can ship that external door handle to you, let me know your address and I'll get it done this week. All the best, Ash.
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Dave Cavill
Luton, Bedfordshire.
hi all. I am looking for help to restore my ex- ralliart mitsubishi starion rally car.