We did it!
Darren Kerr raised £5,963 from 279 supporters
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Closed 06/03/2017
Iʼve raised £5,963 to Aundrea a mum of two fighting cancer! with little to no help from the NHS.
- Funded on Monday, 6th March 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
No one should EVER have to go though this horrible battle with Cancer! No one DESERVES for this to EVER happen to them!
No one should have to fight this fight and espically my cousin, after battling it with her son James! AUNDREA is such a strong and amazing women! She NEEDS us to help her again! I know you all have been so generous and amazing with helping me in the past, but I need another push,I'm not asking this time, I'm begging! I need you all to help me! You have no idea how much £1 means to us at this stage! It's one step closer to paying for the treatment she needs!
Please donated £1 we could raise just over £1000 so please let's do this! Let's beat Cancer #Dontstopbelieving #aundreasarmy
- 8 years ago
Darren Kerr
8 years agoOkay everyone. I can't thank you enough for all your help and support up to this point. After visiting Aundrea last night she is so overwhelmed with every single one of your donations and messages. You are all what is keeping her going including her boys and we desperately need you to continue to support us in this fight against this horrible decease. I can't thank you enough for helping to support me and my cousin.
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Darren Kerr started crowdfunding
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Keith dougherty
Mar 3, 2017
Great effort Darren. Keep up the great work .
Vicky Donnelly
Mar 1, 2017
Good luck 💗
Pauline Durham
Mar 1, 2017
Wish I could add more xxx
AnnMarie Pollock
Feb 28, 2017
Feb 28, 2017
You're doing an amazing job DarrenPip, Ashley, Alex, Andrew and Chloe
Michelle Burch
Feb 23, 2017
hazel walsh
Feb 22, 2017
All the best Darren your doing an amazing thing for your cousin x
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