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Damian Friel raised £1,100 from 54 supporters
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Closed 22/06/2018
Iʼve raised £1,100 to build a rehabilitation centre for street kids in Nairobi in honour of my late brother Patrick Friel Curran
- Brighton, UK
- Funded on Friday, 22nd June 2018
Don't have time to donate right now?
My brother Patrick Friel Curran died on the 23rd of September 2013 after a very short battle with sepsis. Patrick was a marathon runner and used his love of running to raise money for charitable causes and his memory inspires me still.
Starting on 25th of May I will walk 100 miles from Winchester to Eastbourne and hope to raise £2000 to keep my brothers legacy alive. I'll only be stopping to sleep and eat.
After Patrick died, his friends and family along with the good people of Derry raised money to help repatriate him. People were very kind and we raised much more than needed to bring Patrick home. The leftover money has been used to bring people home to their families when they have died abroad. This money has also been used to contribute to a lasting legacy project in Nairobi.
St Patrick's Rehabilitation Centre will offer 70 beds to young people who have been experiencing homelessness in Nairobi, Kenya. The centre will give young people skills which they can use for the rest of their lives and will also provide them with shelter and food.
Please help me and my family build a legacy for my brother and build a future for children in Nairobi who've faced adversity most of us will be fortunate enough to never experience.
- 7 years ago
Damian Friel
7 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Damian Friel started crowdfunding
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Merv Swerv
Jun 21, 2018
Hope you're not too sore after all the walking! Fair play.
paul stevenson
Jun 21, 2018
Emma Heaney
Jun 21, 2018
Love you 💖
Turlough Remedios
Jun 21, 2018
Paul I
Jun 21, 2018
Sorry that it's not more!
Josh Cullimore
Jun 21, 2018
Congratulations Damian! Your brother would be very proud.
Michael McGarrigle
Jun 21, 2018
Well done Damien. Glad you managed to finish the walk despite the setbacks 😉
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Damian Friel
Brighton, UK
My name is Damian Friel and I'm a mental health nurse in Brighton. I have Tourettes Syndrome, OCD, anxiety and depression and I'm a mental health campaigner/co-host of MenTalkHealth UK podcast 🙂