We did it!
Dalida and Robert FURLONG raised £2,585 from 41 supporters
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Closed 30/11/2017
Iʼve raised £2,585 to Help Mauritian children with education and health needs
- Mauritius
- Funded on Thursday, 30th November 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
Children in Mauritius often have to face important problems to get a good education opening doors for them in life and to enjoy sufficient healthy conditions to progress in anything they undertake. Our project is geared, on the one hand, towards children that have dropped off the formal system and are in need of basic knowledge and, on the other hand, towards others who need specific help because they suffer from diabetes of type 1(not producing any insulin naturally) and must from early ages learn to manage their insulin intake at all times.
Two local associations taking care of children with such crucial needs are the ones my wife Dalida and me chose to help through our charity walk, namely: the Centre Etoile de Mer,a non-formal educational centre located in the north-east of Mauritius, and T1diams which caters on a national basis for diabetics of Type 1.
To raise funds for these two beneficiaries and all those children depending on the capacity of these associations, the enterprise will be walking for 70 days on a distance of more or less 2000 km on the St James trail in Spain, starting in Segovia, 80 km from Madrid, on the 20th of June 2017, reaching Santiago de Compostela by the 25th of July, starting on the way back towards St Jean-Pied-de-Port in France to be reached on the 3rd of September 2017.
- 7 years ago
Dalida and Robert FURLONG
7 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 8 years ago
Dalida and Robert FURLONG
8 years agoNine days left for the walking, a month for the giving: check out website www.marcherpourlesenfants.org andcplease, donate and share
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- 8 years ago
Dalida and Robert FURLONG
8 years agoDAY 45 We are most thankful to all those who have contributed and Will send them personal thanks soon. Our legs are still on the move for 25 days and we expect more and more donators to join us...
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Dalida and Robert FURLONG started crowdfunding
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Pauline and Peter Mcsorley
Nov 30, 2017
Hi Dalida and Robert Best wishes from the UK and congratulations on your wonderful achevement what a wonderful cause .We are so pleased to help.
Jocelyne de Coriolis
Nov 4, 2017
Bravo pour une bonne cause. Vous êtes très méritants
Geo Govinden
Oct 26, 2017
Betty Tuite
Oct 2, 2017
Dear RobertI am now donating 100 st to your great cause.It was lovely meeting you and Dalida in Rabanel.Hope our paths cross again very soon. I you ever come to Ireland please look me up. xx
George Lewis Easton
Sep 30, 2017
You set a good example. Thank you!
Stephano Rougeot
Sep 29, 2017
Merci pour votre dévouement à l'association.
Sep 24, 2017
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Dalida and Robert FURLONG
Dalida works for Le Prince Maurice, one of the resorts of Constance Hotels in the Indian Ocean. Robert is a former international executive for OIF, the international aid agency for french-speaking countries. Both are regular and experienced walkers.