We did it!
Kate Naish raised £3,384.5 from 83 supporters
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Closed 08/06/2018
Iʼve raised £3,384 to help fund DAKO Flying Angels
- Funded on Friday, 8th June 2018
Don't have time to donate right now?
Dako Flying Angels are a gymnastics display team, based at the Oliver Hind Club in Sneinton, Nottingham. Performing throughout the country, their entertaining public displays are the highlight of many events. Founded in 1895, Dako provides gymnastics training for boys aged 8-18, regardless of their background and is fully inclusive. They rely on charitable donations and public generosity to buy equipment and train their coaches.
On February 6th their trailer, containing display kit worth around £10,000 was stolen.
- 7 years ago
Kate Naish
7 years agoThank you so much to everyone who has supported us so far. We have been amazed at the response we have had. We are determined to raise the money needed to replace our trailer and kit and have increased our target to £5000
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Kate Naish started crowdfunding
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Ian Daniel
Mar 24, 2018
Saw you on Blue Peter, fabulous display, and great work getting young lads active.
sue cooper
Mar 14, 2018
Anne Jones
Mar 13, 2018
Mar 11, 2018
Well done Elliot and Co!
Lorraine Royston
Mar 11, 2018
Well done Elliot and Kaden. What an awesome thing to do. xx
Diana Harbor
Mar 11, 2018
Good luck Elliot and well done on all the cycling! The Harbors
Sandra Black
Mar 11, 2018
Well done on the sponsored cycle today - amazing dedication to solve the problem!
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