We did it!
Sioe Talybont Show raised £485 from 29 supporters
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Closed 05/11/2020
Iʼve raised £485 to support Talybont Show's charity for 2020 -Cylch Meithrin Talybont- ni'n codi £1,000 i gefnogi elusen y Sioe ar gyfer 2020.
- Talybont, Ceredigion, Cymru
- Funded on Thursday, 5th November 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
Mae Cylch Meithrin Talybont yn lleoliad cyn ysgol hapus, poblogaidd a gweithgar wrth wraidd y gymuned yn Nhalybont. Mae ar agor bedwar bore'r wythnos yn ystod tymor yr ysgol ac mae'n cynnwys clwb brecwast.
Mae'r cylch yn dibynnu'n drwm ar ddigwyddiadau codi arian drwy gydol y flwyddyn, sy'n darparu cyllid ar gyfer staff ac adnoddau dysgu. Oherwydd COVID 19 ni chynhaliwyd unrhyw un o'r digwyddiadau hyn eleni. Mae Pwyllgor y Sioe felly wedi dewis y Cylch fel elusen i'w chefnogi ar gyfer Y Sioe Ar-lein yn 2020.
Cefnogwch y lleoliad gofal plant pwysig hwn, gan helpu ein plant i gael y dechrau dwyieithog gorau mewn bywyd, gan gadw'r Gymraeg yn fyw yn ein cymunedau.
Cylch Meithrin Talybont is a happy, popular and active pre school setting at the heart of the Talybont community. It is open four mornings a week during term time and includes a breakfast club.
The Cylch relies heavily on fundraising events across the year, providing finance for staff and learning resources. COVID 19 has meant none of these events have happened this year. The Show Committee has therefore selected the Cylch as its chosen charity for the 2020 online show event.
Please support this important childcare setting, helping our children have the best bilingual start in life, keeping the Welsh language alive in our communities.
Updates appear here
Sioe Talybont Show started crowdfunding
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Gerwyn, Menna a Tomos
Aug 30, 2020
Teulu Williams, Gwarclawdd Pontarfynach
Aug 28, 2020
Aug 28, 2020
Pob hwyl Sioe Talybont
Tyhen Henllys
Aug 27, 2020
Diolch i bawb am gefnogi’r sioe.
Aug 26, 2020
Aug 25, 2020
Aug 25, 2020
Pob lwc i'r sioe! Cofion cynnes oddi wrth Eleri a Gwilym.
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Sioe Talybont Show
Talybont, Ceredigion, Cymru
Helen Ovens - Trysorydd/Treasurer of Sioe Talybont Show.