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Cylch Meithrin Y Bont-faen raised £1,550 from 59 supporters


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Closed 29/10/2021

raised of £1,000 target by 59 supporters

    Iʼve raised £1,550 to help Cylch through a difficult time / i helpu’r Cylch trwy gyfnod anodd lle nad yw'n bosibl cynnal y digwyddiadau codi arian arferol.

    Cowbridge / Y Bont-faen
    Funded on Friday, 29th October 2021

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    Mae Cylch Meithrin y Bont-faen wedi cael blwyddyn anodd iawn yn ariannol heb unrhyw ddigwyddiadau codi arian a dwy waith wedi gorfod cau ein drysau yn sgil Covid.

    Rydym yn ymdrechu i gadw ffioedd mor isel ac sy’n bosib yn bwrpasol drwy ddibynnu ar achlysuron a digwyddiadau codi arian yn y gymuned.

    Nid yw wedi bod yn bosib i ni gynnal ein digwyddiadau blynyddol arferol oherwydd Covid ac o ganlyniad mae Cylch yn wynebu cyfnod ansicr iawn. Rydym am godi arian er mwyn cynorthwyo Cylch drwy’r misoedd nesaf.

    Ar y 10fed Gorffennaf fe fydd grwp o rieni a ffrindiau Cylch yn cerdded 5 milltir i ddangos ein gwerthfawrogiad i’r staff a’r gwirfoddolwyr gwych sy’n gweithio’n ddiflino i gadw’r feithrinfa i fynd dro ar ol tro. Plis a wnewch chi ein noddi ni a dangoswch eich cefnogaeth tuag at Gylch Meithrin y Bont-faen.

    Cylch Meithrin y Bont-faen has suffered a very difficult year with no fundraising events and two closures. Fees are kept as low as possible by relying heavily on fundraising in the local community. Cylch has not been able to hold its usual annual events due to Covid 19. As a result, Cylch is facing a very worrying time. We are raising money in order to help the Cylch get through the next few months.

    On 10th July, a group of parents and friends of the Cylch, will walk 5 miles to show our appreciation for the wonderful staff and volunteers who keep this unique setting going year after year. Please sponsor us and show your support for Cylch.



    Cylch Meithrin Y Bont-faen

    Updates appear here

      3 years ago

      Cylch Meithrin Y Bont-faen started crowdfunding

      Leave a message of support

      Page last updated on: 7/21/2021 16.28



      • Leri


        Jul 21, 2021

        Pob hwyl Cylch Meithrin y Bont Faen :-)

      • Teulu Cora

        Teulu Cora

        Jul 15, 2021

        Da iawn pawb


      • Owen and Gwenllian

        Owen and Gwenllian

        Jul 14, 2021

      • Kate Smith

        Kate Smith

        Jul 13, 2021

        Well done Amanda!


      • Ros and Allan Hood

        Ros and Allan Hood

        Jul 13, 2021

        Well done all!


      • Teulu Parker

        Teulu Parker

        Jul 12, 2021

        Da iawn chi xx


      • Hannah Stelmach

        Hannah Stelmach

        Jul 12, 2021

        Am still aching now


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      Cylch Meithrin Y Bont-faen

      Cylch Meithrin Y Bont-faen

      Cowbridge / Y Bont-faen

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