We did it!
Sharon Owen raised £435 from 31 supporters
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Closed 03/07/2022
Iʼve raised £435 to cefnogi gwaith gwerthfawr banc bwyd ardal Aberystwyth, Jubilee Storehouse.
- Funded on Sunday, 3rd July 2022
Don't have time to donate right now?
Fel rhan o’i waith tuag at Gwobr Dug Caeredin (Efydd), mae Gethin wedi bod yn gwirfoddoli gyda Jubilee Storehouse, sef banc bwyd ardal Aberystwyth. Mae’r banc bwyd yn gwneud gwaith gwerthfawr tu hwnt yn cefnogi trigolion yr ardal.
Yn ystod mis Mawrth, bydd Geth yn beicio 50 milltir er mwyn codi arian i gefnogi gwaith Jubilee Storehouse. Os gallwch sbario ceiniog neu ddwy, byddai hynny yn help mawr. Diolch o galon.
As part of his Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award work, Gethin has been volunteering with Jubilee Storehouse, the food bank for Aberystwyth and the surrounding area
During March, Geth will be cycling 50 miles to raise money for this important organisation. Any sponsorship will be greatly appreciated
- 3 years ago
Sharon Owen
3 years agoDiolch o galon am fy noddi. Mae'r cyfanswm a godwyd yn £385. Cofion, Gethin Thank you all for your sponsorship. A total of £385 was raised. Diolch, Gethin
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Pedr ap Llwyd
Apr 17, 2022
Daliwch ati
Apr 9, 2022
Da iawn, Gethin!!
Mary ac Alun
Apr 7, 2022
Da iawn ti Gethin
Oddi wrth Eleri Davies
Apr 4, 2022
Oddi wrth Eleri Davies
Gwenan Creunant
Apr 2, 2022
Ardderchog Geth! Llongyfarchiadau - wrth deulu 1 Danycoed!
Shoned Davies
Apr 2, 2022
Gwych...da iawn ti Geth 😉🚴♀️
Apr 1, 2022
Ymdrech arbennig, amdani!
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