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Jake Sanson raised £18,200.48 from 538 supporters
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Closed 19/06/2017
Iʼve raised £18,200 to help Craig Walker and his family during his recovery from injuries sustained at Castle Combe on Howard's Day 2017
- Funded on Monday, 19th June 2017
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On Bank Holiday Monday, just 24 hours after young Billy Monger's terrible accident at Donington Park, Track Attack Race Club driver Craig Walker was involved in a multi-car accident at the Castle Combe circuit in Wiltshire, in which he regrettably sustained injuries including three broken vertebra in his back.
Thanks to the incredible work from the Castle Combe marshals, medical team and officials he is now being treated in hospital. However it seems that the efforts to stabilize his damaged vertebra were not successful and at this moment in time the doctors have advised his wife and Craig that there is still the possibility he will suffer long term permanent disability. It is understood that because of the spinal cord risks they are unable to operate as they would like. They are making further/renewed efforts to stabilize his spine with the hope that he will improve in the weeks ahead.
Clearly whatever the outcome long term, and we of course hope for the best, he will be in for a long period of recovery of many months. Also Craig has recently changed jobs and was on a probationary period so therefore financial security will be of concern to Rebecca and his family. So the Track Attack Race Club and Downforce Radio have decided we should try to raise funds for his recuperation in a similar fashion to the initiative setup to raise funds for Billy Monger.
If the motorsport community can pool resources for one young star who will live with a permanent injury throughout the remainder of his life, surely we can do likewise for another racer who could also have his life changed forever. We hope that the world of club racing and British motorsport will unite and rally round Craig Walker and his family in the same manner.
8 years ago
Jake Sanson
8 years agoAt the request of the Walker family who are in dire need of the funding you have all collectively raised to aid them through Craig's recovery, we are going to have one final weekend to push this before we release the funds raised to the family via the Track Attack Race Club. So can we have one final push this weekend from everybody in motorsport to smash through the £20,000 barrier. We won't make the £50,000 target we originally set out but maybe with one final push on social media this weekend we can smash £20,000 before Monday morning!!
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8 years ago
Jake Sanson
8 years agoWe're now at 11,000 for Craig which is just phenomenal. Thank you so much everyone, the last weekend has been sensational. Craig has been moved closer to home in Doncaster which is a real blessing as the 2.5 hour commute to Swindon was a nightmare for Rebecca as it was taking 5 hours out of her day to see him. We're all waiting for positive updates as things are getting very stressful for the family, so let's keep these donations coming in. I assured him that he can focus on getting better and we'll take care of the rest. LET'S DO IT!
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8 years ago
Jake Sanson
8 years ago24 hours in and we already have £6000, so thanks to everyone from James Pull to Callum Cripps, Jamie Callender to the Track Attack Race Club drivers all the way to the Mongers. What a sensational start!! Let's keep the ball rolling and share with as many petrolheads as you can!!
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Jake Sanson started crowdfunding
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Roy Munro
Jun 19, 2017
Motorsport is a large family. Best wishes.
Jacquie Hauxwell
Jun 17, 2017
The motor sport community came together when I had an accident, that's what what we do. Get well soon
Phillip Wright
Jun 17, 2017
Keep fighting buddy from WAM Trackdays :)
Steven Craggs
Jun 17, 2017
From one club racer to another I hope my small contribution can help you on your road to recovery.
Andrew Roland
Jun 17, 2017
Good luck with the recovery Jake
Ian McDowall
Jun 17, 2017
Good luck Jake.
David Swanson
Jun 17, 2017
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