We did it!
Craig Lammiman raised £725 from 19 supporters
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Closed 28/07/2019
Iʼve raised £725 to Lytchett Minster RFC New Paving, and clubhouse Improvements
- Lytchett Minster, Poole, UK
- Funded on Sunday, 28th July 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
Dear All
Many thanks for taking the time to visit this facebook page to assist with raising funds for Lytchett Minster Rugby Club. The clubhouse was originally designed and funded as part of a huge community fundraising project as well as a grant in the early 2000's. After many years of working on the project we now have the beautiful clubhouse that you see today.
As with any community building upkeep is important and completed by many kind, willing volunteers. Despite the day to day running, periodically we need to raise funds for repairs, improvements and refurbishment of the club to keep in in a condition we can all be proud of for club members and the community.
For this reason the club would like to start a fund raising drive to contribute to all new Block Paving to the rear of the club house, this area will provide a comfortable and pleasant area for families when visiting the club. Paving will continue to the side of the building and around to the clubs front entrance depending on the funds raised. The funds can also be used for benchs on the area, new perimeter fencing and signage.
Should the club successfully raise the initial funds we would then like to continue to be able to purchase all new furniture for the club house to create a comfortable, fun environment that members are proud of.
To raise funds we would like to work on a number of sponsored, fun events for the adults, the children, senior member sand families. We welcome all ideas to raise the funds from sponsorship, donation and events, please dig deep and makes suggestions ... Better still volunteers to set up a sponsorship or event is even better.
Dig deep, spread the word and help us to raise some funds to update our club.
Updates appear here
Craig Lammiman started crowdfunding
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Beverley Charters
Apr 26, 2019
No longer living down there but loved the club for many years. Good Luck
Ian McDougall
Jan 23, 2019
Susan Beveridge
Jan 20, 2019
Neil Potter
Dec 3, 2018
Well done Craig great idea.
Irene Orton
Nov 21, 2018
Here’s hoping you reach your goal x
Cheryl Lammiman
Nov 18, 2018
Best of luck with the fundraising Craig. Happy to help with fundraising events.
Charlotte Wroe
Oct 31, 2018
Good luck with the fundraising!
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Craig Lammiman
Lytchett Minster, Poole, UK
Member of LMRFC since 1999, super keen to contribute with my son now coming through the minis