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Daniel Mabbott raised £1,146 from 43 supporters
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Closed 31/08/2019
Iʼve raised £1,146 to help repair and improve Corby Kingswood Juniors FC's clubhouse after a deliberate fire was started on the roof damaging changing rooms.
- Corby, Northamptonshire
- Funded on Saturday, 31st August 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
On Thursday 9th May 2019 around 5:00am, we received a phone call from a member of the public informing us that the fire service were located at our clubhouse as it had been set alight.
The fire service did an excellent job of minimising the fire and damage that could have been caused from this however numerous kits and equipment that was not directly burned from the heat has been affected through smoke and water damage.
It was determined by the fire service that this had been set alight deliberately from one corner of the roof and had caused significant damage to one of our changing rooms within the building.
In addition to numerous businesses offering their trade support; ASDA, Tesco & Morrisons providing donations in the form of refreshments for our volunteers & Forest Gate Corby contributing a £500 donation, we are looking to raise additional funds to ensure that the repair works can commence and any kits and equipment that are smoke and/or water damaged can be replaced in time for next season starting in September.
We are a youth football club based in Corby, Northamptonshire who cater for over 300 players between the ages of four and eighteen. Every single person who contributes to the club does so in a voluntary basis with no pay - meaning that they take time out of their own lives to ensure that children in Corby and the surrounding areas can play football.
- 6 years ago
Daniel Mabbott
6 years agoSaturday 10th August 2019: Sorry we've been a little quiet with the updates! The clubhouse is being on it's way to being returned to an acceptable standard however this has been a slow process - the works completed through the insurance took time to be finalised and implemented and this doesn't cover all of the damage on the building. We're still aiming to have the clubhouse ready and fully operational by the start of the season in September and we will be looking for the kind assistance offered by numerous companies in the coming weeks.
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- 6 years ago
Daniel Mabbott
6 years agoSunday 19th May 2019: We're well and truly astounded by the sheer generosity of the donations we have received in little over a week - £1,104 to be precise - in addition to the offers of support of renovating the clubhouse and numerous organisations, individuals and clubs willing to show their support at past and future events. We're slowly working out way to a point where any work can commence as we are still liaising with authorities to determine our next steps to ensure a functioning clubhouse for next season! Thank-you! CKJFC
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Ethans Grandma 💙
May 26, 2019
Well done Daniel and all volunteers, players and family members that support the club.
June and Ian
May 22, 2019
Good luck
May 20, 2019
Marie Shaw
May 19, 2019
A contribution from my kind aunt to help
May 19, 2019
Mary Halbert
May 18, 2019
Annie Musarapachena
May 16, 2019
What a great community we have, let's rebuild our youth's club house
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