Iʼve raised £20 to ConnectEd Cymru Device Donations
- Cardiff
- Funded on Thursday, 19th August 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on the attainment gap between privileged and disadvantaged children over the past year.
Those with access to suitable devices and the support at home have been able to continue their learning, whilst others who have experienced limited access to devices have stuggled, leaving behind a digital divide.
ConnectEd Cymru are passionate about supporting learners from disadvantaged backgrounds. Since January we have been taking donations of devices and allocating them to our network of schools serving disadvantaged communities across South East Wales, concentrating the supply of devices precisely where the need is greatest.
Your donation will help us realise our vision for an equitable education in a variety of way. It will enable us to buy new devices for disadvantaged pupils or purchase MiFi dongles which providing a reliable internet connection. Your support can also help by covering the cost of converting second hand devices donated to us into chromebooks which are ideal learning devices for our pupils.
Any contribution you can make to support our initiative in getting suitable learning devices in the hands of learners will be greatly appreciated and will take another step in the right direction to embed equity in education in Wales.
Mae'r pandemig COVID-19 wedi cael effaith syfrdanol ar y bwlch cyrhaeddiad rhwng dysgwyr breintiedig a difreintiedig dros y flwyddyn diwethaf.
Mae rheini sydd wedi cael mynediad at ddyfeisiau addas a'r cefnogaeth gatre wedi parhau ar eu llwybrau dysgu, tra fod eraill heb yr un mynediad at ddyfeisiau wedi dioddef, yn gadael bwlch digidol ar eu hol.
Mae ConnectEd Cymru yn angerddol yn ein gwaith i gynnig addysg heb anfantais i'n bobol ifanc. Dros y misoedd diwethaf rydym wedi bod yn casglu rhoddion o ddyfeisiau a'u dosrannu ymysg ein rhwydwaith o ysgolion ar draws De Ddwyrain Cymru sy'n gweinyddu cymunedau difreintiedig.
Bydd eich rhodd yn galluogi ni mynd ati i gwrdd a'n nod o sicrhau mynediad at adnoddau dysgu digidol i bob dysgwr mewn sawl ffordd gwahanol. Yn gyntaf, i brynnu ddyfeisiau newydd i ddysgwyr. Yn ail i brynnu ddyfeisiau MiFi i sicrhau fod cyswllt gwe dibynadwy yn y cartref. Ac yn olaf i dalu am drawsnewid dyfeisiau ail law a rhoddwyd i ni i Chromebooks, sy'n addas ar gyfer dysgu ein disgyblion.
Gwerthfawrogwn unrhyw gyfraniad gallwch wneud i gefnogi ein hymgais pwysig i rhoi dyfeisiau dysgu addas yn ddwylo ein dysgwyr mwyaf difreintiedig. Diolch!
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Cameron Howells
Apr 23, 2021
Da iawn, Huwi x
Apr 23, 2021
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