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Barney Tinsley. raised £865 from 50 supporters
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Closed 08/10/2017
Iʼve raised £865 to Help Fund a Trim Trail for Broadgate Primary School, Horsforth, Leeds.
- Leeds, United Kingdom
- Funded on Sunday, 8th October 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
I'm having to repost this Crowdfund as I didn't change the settings on the page and the fund ended yesterday. I'm hoping NEW friends will help me reach the revised target. PLEASE HELP!! Thanks Billions. Barney.
Everyone who knows me will realise one thing. I am built for comfort, and DEFINITELY not for speed. However, most of 2017 - well, since the end of March, anyway, has seen a desire for me to massively improve my physical fitness. As I write, I am closing in on having lost 4 stone - around 26kg, which to put into context is the current weight of my eldest daughter, Livy!
I have started running. I hate running!! 3 years ago I had a torn cruciate ligament repaired in my left knee, and went through several months of difficult and painful Physiotherapy to strengthen the knee back to near-normal. Carrying a huge excess of weight didn't help my recovery. I'm happy to report that the knee is holding out, so far, as I step up the distances and time spent running.
And so - I have entered into a 5K run on October 1st 2017, The Bramham 5K in Wetherby. I would be humbled but delighted if friends and family would spare a few quid in sponsorship. This money will go towards much-needed exercise equipment for Broadgate School, as the Parent Teacher Association continue their incredible efforts to raise funds for the "Trim Trail." Encouraging the children to exercise in a fun and safe way resonates with my personal goal of self-improvement, and I can think of no better cause.
PLEASE HELP. (It's me. Barney. Running. Yes, I know!!) Thanks in advance, everyone. XXXXXX
- 7 years ago
Barney Tinsley.
7 years agoThanks to everyone for supporting and now SMASHING through the £750 target. I am so lucky to have such incredible friends and family. This Crowdfund will close on Sunday 8th October. I've now lost 5 stone and 2 pounds. I was ASTONISHED to learn I finished 36th of the 200 5K runners on Sunday. I'm planning another 5K race at the end of the month, but don't worry, I won't be badgering for more money!! I'm pleased to hear of others inspired by littler(!) old me, and hope I'll be able to tell you about a completed 10K before too long. XXXXXXXXX
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- 7 years ago
Barney Tinsley.
7 years agoUpdate is on Facebook today - 2nd September. I am a much-changed Barney!!
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Barney Tinsley. started crowdfunding
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Denise Mahoney
Oct 5, 2017
Well done Barney! 👏🏃🏻🏅
Richard Turner
Oct 4, 2017
Well done Barney!
Abbie Banfield
Oct 3, 2017
Awesome achievement Barney, keep at the running. The PF is horrid but it does go eventually. Promise! Xx
Dr. Christos Hadjicharitou
Oct 3, 2017
Good luck!
Amanda Cains
Oct 2, 2017
I'm dead proud of you.... Go gett'um.... X
phillip Mars
Oct 2, 2017
Cracking time on sunday!
Sarah Davis
Oct 2, 2017
Well done Barney. Keep running. Sarah and Tom Davis
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Barney Tinsley.
Leeds, United Kingdom
I hope all my family and friends would realise what a MASSIVE thing it is for me to commit to a run - and although 5K is not the longest distance in the world, it seems like a hell of a long way to me. This money is to help so many kids benefit from exercise in a fun way, too!