We did it!
Colin Goodman raised £7,260 from 159 supporters
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Closed 11/07/2022
- London
- Funded on Monday, 11th July 2022
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13 January 2022 at 12:53pm – it’s a date and time that’ll be forever imprinted on my mind along with the Consultant uttering the words “it’s bad news” when giving me the results of my biopsy.
I had Prostate Cancer.
My world came crashing down, the room span and I didn’t hear too much for a while after. However I did hear “but there’s good news as well”. Whilst unfortunately I had not been diagnosed at the earliest of stages there were treatment options and good one’s at that – my tumour was stage two and I was a candidate for Cryotherapy to try and remove it focally. I entrusted myself into the care of the quite simply wonderful Professor Hashim U Ahmed and his team at the Imperial College London via The Cromwell Hospital.
What I have learnt since is that there’s a chance my diagnosis could’ve been made sooner and also that many thousands of undiagnosed men could be captured in time to quite literally save their lives. Professor Hashim U Ahmed is at the forefront of The PROSTAGRAM Campaign which you can read about here:
1 in 8 men will get prostate cancer and as you enter your fifties you’re at even higher risk; it’s not always life-threatening; but when it is, the earlier you catch it the more likely it is to be cured. PSA blood tests are a good indicator, and I’d encourage every man in the risk bracket to have these regularly, but the non-invasive targeted MRi scan is by far and away the best diagnostic tool. My PSA was only borderline….. without a scan my diagnosis may have come too late.
I’ve had my operation and I hope and pray it’s been successful. Now I want to help give other men the same chance I’ve had by raising funds towards The PROSTAGRAM Campaign. I’m doing this by walking HALF A MILLION STEPS in April (a huge challenge with a slipped disc!!) and hoping to get at least a penny a step. Please help me in this and donate what you can in these economically tough times by clicking on my GIVE NOW button to the side.
3 years ago
Colin Goodman
3 years agoHere we are with three and a half days to go....
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3 years ago
Colin Goodman
3 years agoDONE IT! Three and a half days ahead of schedule I have ticked through 500,000 steps for the month and I'm really pleased. It's been a tough slog and thankfully the weather in the evenings etc has been kind to me. Most importantly - once again a huge thanks to all who have donated, the funds really will help a great cause. I intend to keep my routine going for this month and smash thru above 500k - further donations gratefully accepted! I'll do a final transfer to the Hospital end of 2nd week in May Respect to you all for your support x
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3 years ago
Colin Goodman
3 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Colin Goodman started crowdfunding
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Apr 29, 2022
Well done Colin
Kieran McGrath
Apr 28, 2022
Wish you a speedy recovery
Mersey hoop
Apr 27, 2022
Amazing effort for a great cause
Apr 27, 2022
Well done LBLOCK, look after yourself ;-)
Colin Crowe
Apr 27, 2022
Super effort Col and well done you.Great cause and great to help others.Well done again !!
Apr 27, 2022
I also had help from the brilliant Professor Ahmed, hope yours goes well
Danny Raggatt
Apr 27, 2022
Epic cause Col!Well done for smashing the target too!Best of luck mateDan
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