We did it!
Lee Bernard raised £10,140 from 8 supporters
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Closed 31/07/2020
Iʼve raised £10,140 to URGENT CARE Campaign – get Colchester people cared for during the coronavirus
- Colchester, Essex
- Funded on Friday, 31st July 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
URGENT CARE Campaign – Colchester Crisis Care Relief by Caremark Colchester
We’re working to raise funds, supplies and manpower to help reach the vulnerable of Colchester now
Emergency care number: 01206 487398
There are officially 45 people currently in Colchester who are at home and need care but there is no one to care for them. Voluntary teams and councils are doing their best but the in-home specialist care that many people need is something that must be provided by trained carers. I set up Caremark Colchester, which is part of a national chain of in-home care providers, because when my own father needed help, I could see that the care system needed support and it needed improving.
We are working to employ 10 new carers in the next days and weeks, training them up fully in accordance with CQC guidelines (we have a GOOD Care Quality Commission rating)
We are initially using fundraising to enable us to get carers to the people most in need now Our target is £30k: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/colchestercarecrisis
If we fail these vulnerable people, they will be part of the coronavirus toll but won’t be on the official coronavirus list.
The care system is under massive strain. I can see a way to help them. I’m determined that this can’t happen.
I know we can help if we can work together. I’ve seen my team pull together in an extraordinary way in the last weeks but we’re not enough. We need help.
To enable care to people who need it most we need to train up new people quickly to offer safe, protected care to those in need.
• We have been donated a dedicated crisis care email by Weald IT
colchestercarecrisis@caremark.co.uk and an emergency phone number by Zen Systems 01206 487398
• We have seen people and businesses pull together hugely and we are so delighted to have been given a training space and office by Colbea.
• We have people donating their time to help pick up prescriptions, drop off care packages, support my team and their clients.
• We have one amazing guy who is cleaning people’s windows for them to let the sunshine in
• We need extra transport and we have been given a car by a very generous lady.
• Computer equipment: we have a central office to allow us to manage the extra work and crews but we need two computers: laptop or screens and a station.
• We need a high capacity printer with scanner
• Someone with SAGE PAY experience to help us with payroll: this is an urgent need as it will free up vital time and resources - perhaps there is someone on furlough who would be happy to donate some time to this cause?
• We need volunteers to create and deliver care packages
• We need volunteers to pick up prescriptions
• We need transport: would a local garage, second car sales, be willing to donate us a car for this time?
• We need PPE equipment: at the moment our carers are having to source their own - if anyone has any access to PPE equipment: aprons, masks, hand gels, anything to help protect these front line workers and the people they care far.
• Field care supervisors… If you have done it before or are NVQ level 2 in health and social care. We need you.
• If you are looking for a paid carer role: we will train you fully and safely according to the high standards needed for such a role.
Items needed:
• First aid kits
• Hand gel
• Masks
• Food donations
• PPE donations
• Home delivery services - meals for vulnerable
• Anything edible or to help improve quality of life
• Cleaning materials
• Nappy/disposal bags
• Clean uniforms (local dry cleaner or home help)
• Tshirts/polos identify the Caremark Colchester Crisis Relief team
More details
Lee Bernard set up Caremark Colchester, a home-care company which is part of a national franchise, after he saw the incredible care his father received when he needed it most. The care company is fairly new and has a number of highly trained staff, but Lee and his team are overwhelmed and need help to reach the people who need it now. Any donations and any help will be directed through Caremark Colchester to the vulnerable and people who need it.
Updates appear here
Lee Bernard started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Apr 9, 2020
Apr 9, 2020
Well done Lee. This looks like a very worthwhile project.
Apr 8, 2020
You’re doing a great job!Love Laura
Apr 4, 2020
Apr 4, 2020
Apr 3, 2020
Thank you so much Lee and all your team for being there for our community especially during these stressful times.
Apr 3, 2020
This is to help who it can brother, I hope you get the help. This is great for the spirit of helping.
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