We did it!
Jason AIREY raised £1,230 from 29 supporters
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Closed 10/10/2017
Iʼve raised £1,230 to help SNDogs keep up their fantastic work helping to find stray dogs their forever home.
- Funded on Tuesday, 10th October 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
Dino was deserted and left roaming the streets frightened and confused, SNDogs took him in and found his forever home with us. Without SNDogs, many dogs would be put down and their relentless work needs funding to help them save as many of our four legged friends as possible. Jason, Damien and Geert will be cycling from Ghent to Amsterdam over 3 days from the 28th September so please give generously for this life saving cause.
Updates appear here
Jason AIREY started crowdfunding
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Oct 8, 2017
Well done. Vera
Oct 8, 2017
Well done Jason you made it. Love Mum
William Airey
Sep 28, 2017
Deano is a welcome addition to the family. Good luck with your ride. D & D.
John Lancaster
Sep 27, 2017
Good luck to Jason, Damien and Geert. Sorry I am not here to pace you this year. Great cause, wish you all the best and take care
S Giangolini, Hako Machines
Sep 26, 2017
Good luck Jason and team! A worthy cause, well done everyone
Alex Lonsdale
Sep 26, 2017
Good luck to all that take part.
Sep 25, 2017
All the best!
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