We did it!
Clint Ramos raised £2,085 from 21 supporters
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Closed 22/08/2022
Iʼve raised £2,085 to support Zero Hour pass the Climate and Ecological Emergency (CEE) Bill
- London
- Funded on Monday, 22nd August 2022
Don't have time to donate right now?
Challenge: Running everyday for 365 days (5km minimum per day).
Starting day: 23rd August 2021
Planned Completed day: 22nd August 2022
Check my progress on Instagram (@dharylfr) and Strava.
See links below.
Zero Hour - Strava - Instagram
So what is the CEE Bill?
The CEE Bill sets out a whole-of-government emergency plan to rapidly transition away from fossil fuels and reverse the destruction of nature. The Bill is about:
- Tackling the climate and nature crises together
- Doing our fair share to cut UK emissions and stay below 1.5°C of global warming
- Halting and reverse UK biodiversity loss by 2030
- Taking responsibility for the entirety of our global carbon and ecological footprints
- Involving the public in a fair way forward.
CEE Bill is the only proposed legislation that will tackle both the climate and nature emergency together and if passed, will be the biggest shake-up in environmental law since the Climate Change Act of 2008.
I've been volunteering for Zero Hour since Feb 2021 and it's been super fun seeing the campaign mobilise thousands of people and communities across the UK, whilst simultaneously engaging with Parliament.
Thanks in advance for your donations and generosity.
- 3 years ago
Clint Ramos
3 years agoProgress update: Streak = 134days; Total Distance = 680.83km; Total Time running = 60 hours 25 mins 45 seconds; Total Calories burned = 49,501cal; Number of times hit by a car = 1; Number of times chased by a dog = 1.
Share this update to help us raise more
- 3 years ago
Clint Ramos
3 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Clint Ramos started crowdfunding
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Araceli Ramos
Aug 22, 2022
Well done anak- congratulations on finishing your running challenge. The CeeBill team are lucky to have someone as dedicated as you!Love mum.
Jun 21, 2022
Well done my man, absolute trooper!
Hazel Sutton
Jun 20, 2022
Amazing commitment, Clint! Hang in there :)
Jun 20, 2022
Good job Clint! You got this
From the Hippo
Jun 9, 2022
May 26, 2022
Justiño Conductor
May 25, 2022
Keep it up!
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