We did it!
Nicola Higgins raised £340 from 12 supporters
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Closed 01/11/2019
Iʼve raised £340 to subsidise international trips for members of Girlguiding from Clifton, Bristol.
- Bristol
- Funded on Friday, 1st November 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
Our Cause
We are raising money to take Brownies and Guides to Paris in October 2019. Brownies (aged 7-10) and Guides (aged 10-14) are members of Girlguiding, which provides a safe, girl-only space for young people to explore their place in the world, have adventures, and develop into wonderful young women.
For many of these girls, this will be the first time they have left the UK, and they are sure to learn lots from the experience. However, the trip will be expensive, and not all of them will be able to afford it without help.
We aim to fundraise enough to subsidise the trip so that all of our young members can attend.
Current Project
Hi, I'm Nicki, AKA Snowflake, one of the Brownie leaders. During January 2019, I'm challenging myself to buy no plastic. That means no plastic food packaging, no toothpaste tubes, no little treats here or there. Nothing, nada, zip.
I would really appreciate it if you would sponsor me in this massive challenge!
If you want to know how I'm getting on, you can follow along on my blog: The 57th Snowflake.
- 6 years ago
Nicola Higgins
6 years agoWell, Plastic-Free January is officially over. I survived a month. I feel like I've learned a lot through the experience, and I certainly hope that I've raised some awareness as well as some funds. Thank you to everyone who donated - you are all stars! Attached is a picture of one of my completely plastic-free meals. Home-made hummus, bread from a bakery, carrots and cheese bought with no packaging. Yum!
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- 6 years ago
Nicola Higgins
6 years ago23 days in, and I'm still going strong. I've had some challenges and some successes. Particular issues have been: - Milk - Toothpaste - Toilet roll - Fresh meat - Time (to visit different shops for different things) - Organisation (to soak chickpeas overnight rather than just opening a tin) There is plastic in so many more things than you expect. To keep up with my journey, you can visit my blog: www.the57thsnowflake.wordpress.com
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- 6 years ago
Nicola Higgins
6 years agoPlastic free January starts tomorrow! I’m nervous but also strangely looking forward to it. Thanks to everyone who has already donated!
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Nicola Higgins started crowdfunding
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Feb 1, 2019
Well done! You certainly were thorough.CS & M
Jo Lovell
Jan 31, 2019
Jan 31, 2019
Jan 23, 2019
Well impressed with your dedication to the challenge!
Jan 20, 2019
Matthew Baker
Jan 19, 2019
Fantastic challenge. Best of luck!
Clare Day
Jan 18, 2019
Well done. Very impressive challenge.
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