We did it!
Garry Ward raised £130 from 3 supporters
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Closed 30/03/2016
Iʼve raised £130 to Organ Restoration in All Saints' Church, Claverley, Shropshire
- Claverley, Shropshire WV5 7DS
- Funded on Wednesday, 30th March 2016
Don't have time to donate right now?
All Saints' Church in Claverley, Shropshire dates back to 675. It has some of the best examples of medieval wall frescoes in the country, dating to 1220. It boasts a 2500 year old yew tree (certified) in the churchyard and has stained glass by Davies of the Bromsgrove School.
As you can imagine the upkeep of such a building is a huge drain on our finances. The organ is fine instrument, but needs a complete overhaul at a cost of over £45000.
Please help us to restore this glorious instrument.
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Garry Ward started crowdfunding
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Diana F-W
Mar 1, 2016
Pat will be pleased!
Phillip Howell
Feb 29, 2016
Feb 29, 2016
Just a token, but a start. Hope you make your target!!!
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