We did it!
Clare Skinner raised £4,520 from 160 supporters
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Closed 31/10/2023
Iʼve raised £4,520 to the fetal medicine department at Princess Anne hospital and will now be raising money for Chestnut Tree House, in memory of our son George.
- Fishbourne church hall
- Funded on Tuesday, 31st October 2023
Don't have time to donate right now?
Our darling son, George was born sleeping on 13th August 2022. We knew he had a genetic condition which is why we were attending Princess Anne's fetal medicine department for 13 weeks. The consultant obstetrician, Dr. David Howe, and the team of specialist midwives (Kirsty Brown, Alison O'Brien and Gill Brown) not only gave us the highest possible care during these horrendously heart-breaking months but demonstrated nothing but kindness, patience and understanding throughout. I knew then, that the best way to keep George's memory alive was to raise money for this outstanding department so they can continue to help other parents and babies in these tragic times. I hope the team know how very grateful I will always be and how their expertise allowed us more time with our precious son. Thank you so much to all who kindly donated.
We raised money through our iron-a-thon in June and feel it is time to raise money for another good cause. Chestnut Tree House.
- 2 years ago
Clare Skinner
2 years agoNick peters. You have the biggest heart….. thank you. Xxx
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- 2 years ago
Clare Skinner
2 years agoI cannot believe we have reached £900 already…. And we haven’t even started ironing!! The generosity and kindness is just amazing… thank you all ❤️
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- 2 years ago
Clare Skinner
2 years agoOur first event is on 1st and 2nd June at Fishbourne Community Centre where 3 of us will be ironing for 24 hours. Anyone can pay a donation to bring your laundry to us to be ironed. Please bring your clean laundry to us from 9am on 1st and collect your freshly ironed laundry the following day by 11am. We will be presenting the cheque of how much we have raised to a representative of the Hospital at 11am on 2nd June.
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Clare Skinner started crowdfunding
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Jack and Ellen
Jul 9, 2023
Well done Nick such a great achievement, huge cycling slay!!Love Jack and Ellen x
Laura & Jason
Jul 7, 2023
So so proud if you, you inspire me every day 💖
Abi Taylor
Jul 3, 2023
Sue S
Jul 3, 2023
Fantastic effort, for an amazing cause.
Pam Millis
Jul 3, 2023
maisie p
Jul 3, 2023
Ellie Marner
Jul 3, 2023
Absolutely slaying this! So proud of all of you for the hard work for such an important cause! Much love xx
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Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered charity.
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Clare Skinner
Fishbourne church hall
Through our charity ‘Forever George’, we will be wrapping peoples Christmas presents in return for a small donation to Chestnut Tree House. Remembering families at this special time of year who face hardship and sadness.