We did it!
Clair and James Merritt raised £7,173.5 from 152 supporters
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Closed 18/06/2023
Iʼve raised £7,173 to raise funds to prolong James’ life when immunotherapy is no longer a viable option, and all the increased costs of metastasis cancer entails
- Funded on Sunday, 18th June 2023
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Back in January 2022 James urinated blood. From that he was diagnosed with high grade stage 3 bladder cancer. He started chemo, then had chemoradiotherapy. His treatment finished in August 2022. His first scan was clear but his rigid cystoscopy showed the cancer had returned in November. Because of Christmas he had to wait for a further cystocopy and again cancer was detected. We had hoped that it could be cured, but his latest scan showed the cancer has spread to his liver and lungs and a cure is no longer possible. He is to start immunotherapy in March to buy us time. This is the only treatment the NHS will offer. There are other treatments that can be privately funded but looking in excess of £80k. This is called Enfortumab. This is a targeted therapy (not immunotherapy) so offers another possibility to extend his life.Enfortumab has had good results but is not approved due to its costs. If James’ NHS treatment doesn‘t work, we will have months not years. He will have a scan in three months to see how his cancer is responding to immunotherapy. If it hasn‘t responded then we wont have the time to raise the funds to attempt to start the Enfortumab ASAP. The Enfortumab has higher success rates on overall survival rates, but this comes at a price. This can be given if his immunotherapy fails. After losing Jess I’m not sure how our little family will cope. On top of that, my mental health is not great and neither of us work so money is very tight. We even looked into selling our ‘forever’ home. But this not a viable option at present. We will do all we can to prolong his life so our children do not have to lose another person they love. I’m not sure what is possible, but Jess herself believed that kindness was key, and one act of kindness can make all the difference in this world. Please, if anyone fancies doing fundraising for us then we‘d be forever grateful. What price can you put on life? What would you do for the person you love the most?Absolutely everything xx
2 years ago
Clair and James Merritt
2 years agoUnfortunately I didn’t realise there was a time limit on the crowdfunding page. I will continue to update but no more donations will be allowed and I’m not sure I have the energy or time to start a new one at this time. James has had his scan and will be a few weeks for the results which we aren’t happy about. Treatment went ahead on Wednesday. To all those who have taken part in the two raffles I will drawn this either tomorrow or Tuesday depending on how well James is. Most of all I want to thank you all who have donated and showed us love x
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2 years ago
Clair and James Merritt
2 years agoYesterday was treatment number 5. Doesn’t get any easier. No scan date yet despite ringing and the answer is June. James hasn’t been well, thought he had a blood clot so spend a day in hospital having tests only to find out it’s his lung mets causing the pain. As you could imagine this is distressing but this is the reason we are fundraising so we can give James the best chance to have more time with us. Once again I’d like to thank everyone who supports us, every single penny just shows us how much people care. Thank you x
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2 years ago
Clair and James Merritt
2 years agoWould like to say a massive thank you to Katrina for her ice bucket challenge to raise money towards James treatment! We’ve really needed this pick me up this week! We have an offline fundraising account where the money will be kept for when it’s needed. Thank you to all who supported her on our behalf 💙
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Clair and James Merritt started crowdfunding
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Your Bro 😁
May 27, 2023
Chocolate Raffle
May 25, 2023
Chocolate raffle ❤️
Claire harris fitzgerald
May 25, 2023
Don't know what to say......just hope you can raise enough funds as possible ..you all in mu thoughts xx
Kirsty Morris
May 25, 2023
Chocolate raffle ♥️
Tim Ingamells (Duck Inn collection)
May 10, 2023
The collection from the the gig on the 6th that my friend organised
May 7, 2023
Raffle.. 💙 wish I could give more. Sending lots of floaty cuddles and well wishes.. Keep fighting James xxx
May 7, 2023
Photo shoot plz xxx
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Clair and James Merritt
James is 50 years old. He loves his family and children. He has always done everything for everyone. Let’s give something back. James is my rock. My support. My everything. I can’t lose him down to money. Please donate and share, share, share this page. Thank you so much xx