We did it!
Richard O’Neill raised £1,485 from 45 supporters
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Closed 26/07/2021
Iʼve raised £1,485 to Raise funds towards the repair of the Spire of St Peter and St Paul, Chiselborough
- Funded on Monday, 26th July 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
Chiselborough is a small but very active rural village in South Somerset and the church, along with the Village Hall and pub are at the centre of village life . The church was built in the 11th Century and it is believed that the spire was added about 600 years ago. The spire, being one of only fourteen in Somerset, is built of Ham stone (the local sandstone) and over the years the lime mortar between the stones has eroded causing water ingress into the tower and causing damage to the bells. Some stones, which had previously repaired with iron bars, have also cracked due to the rusting action of the bars which need to be replaced. Urgent action has had to be taken for the spire to be repaired before it became structurally unsafe.
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Richard O’Neill started crowdfunding
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Apr 20, 2021
Well done, Dick. The spire is a special part of our beautiful village.
Paul & Paula
Apr 19, 2021
Nick & Kath Clarke
Apr 15, 2021
Well done Dick, a very worthy cause and a great achievement!
Apr 14, 2021
Thank you for 18 years gazing down at your beautiful church.
Apr 14, 2021
Apr 11, 2021
Well done Dick!
Jillian Battersby
Apr 10, 2021
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