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annie connolly raised £555 from 11 supporters
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Closed 15/08/2019
Iʼve raised £555 to Vital vet care, food and equipment for poor hard working horses in Romania. It is the difference between life and death.
- Funded on Thursday, 15th August 2019
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Whilst on a project in Romania relating to dogs, I visited a region called Cernavodâ. We were visiting the most incredible charity, Save the Dogs (and other animals). We were taken for a drive to see the standard of living within the local communities and therefore the effect that would have on the street dog population. This was a rather poor area, a rural area with large gypsy communities. We saw pigs roaming the street feeding from litter, stray dogs or owned dogs that were left to fend for themselves, yet what hit me the hardest and had the most upsetting and profound effect on me, were the conditions of the working horses. They were expected to work hard in extreme conditions with no let up , they were in the poorest of condition . They are used for transport, as machinery to help plough the fields, to pull heavy carts. They play a pivotal role within the communities yet their needs go largely unnoticed. Their equipment is incredibly ill fitting, many had old and new wounds, bleeding mouths and incredibly malnourished. Witnessing this led me to ask the question, what are the welfare standards for these horses ? Who makes sure they are ok? Can these people afford to take care of them? Thankfully Save the dogs have an incredible Equine vet, Roxanna. This is where the Cherry horse Welfare Project was born. I was determined to raise the money to fund their out reach programme so Roxanna can offer vet care, rugs , bits, head collars, food, worming, farrier care...something to make their already very difficult lives just that little more tolerable. The aim is continue working with save the dogs as well as delivering this concept and fund this programme with other vets all over Romania. Horses are considered and viewed as machinery in Romania, they are not. Their fate is no better, they often have to endure a 30 hour trip to their eventual slaughter as there is a requirement for horse meat in many countries in Europe. This is a part of the project we want to tackle, firstly to try improve and eventually stop. Horses are sensitive, sentient, emotional, loyal animals who feel pain as any other animal. We are all they have, please help us help make their lives a little more tolerable. We cannot do this without you. We must help fund this project and concept as they have no other hope.
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annie connolly started crowdfunding
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Sue Burke
Aug 3, 2019
Great work Annie xxx
Virginia Lorenz
Aug 3, 2019
Just a little bit to help xxx
Jul 10, 2019
From my wonderful client Roger. Thank you so much
Jul 9, 2019
Jun 10, 2019
From a very dedicated supporter. Thank you Jackie as always x
Peter Meyer
Jun 3, 2019
I know not loads but hope it helps AFC. Keep following your dreams and your heart and and goodness will just flow through your soul as it always does. Cherry will be proud of you as are so many x
May 31, 2019
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