We did it!
Charmaine Duce raised £710 from 33 supporters
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Closed 28/04/2018
Iʼve raised £710 to help my sister her partner and her young children rebuild their lives after a horrendous evening , resulting in their flat burning down
- Essex
- Funded on Saturday, 28th April 2018
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Hi , where too start .... my sister, partner and their 2 young girls have lost everythjg in a house fire - early hours of this morning - Thankfully they still have eachother and other than remaining in hospital as a caution , They are all healthy .I thank the lord that they made it out ... and dread to think of the other possibilities. whilst they hve good health and love and fantastic support at some point soon the realisation is goig to set in that everything the once owned is gone - This crowdfunding page will not make it any easier of the memories they have at their home , but it may help towards them rebuilding a new future for their family - Kind Regards
- 7 years ago
Charmaine Duce
7 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Charmaine Duce started crowdfunding
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Mosun Oluikpe
Apr 5, 2018
Just seeing this...oh my word!My sympathies to the family. I pray God Almighty will sustain them through this time. His providence will be sufficient and His strength will soon turn this behind them.
Lizzie Long
Apr 3, 2018
Not much but hope this helps xxx
Peter Collier
Apr 3, 2018
Emma Sinclair
Apr 2, 2018
Sorry to hear this Stacey, glad u are all safe lots of hugs your way babe xX
Netia Dennis
Apr 1, 2018
Mandy Witney
Mar 31, 2018
Sorry its not much. xx I am so glad everyone got out safe xx
D holt
Mar 31, 2018
Just a little token to help towards your goal amount. It's a horrible thing to have happened but at least all are safe. Taff & Debs
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Charmaine Duce
I am Stacey’s sister , stacey and her young family have lost everything due to a house fire 😘 Trying to help them on their way to rebuilding a future when they leave the hostel they are currently housed in x