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Closed 18/07/2019
Iʼve raised £0 to assist young children in rural Fiji to have access to an education as well as developing extracurricular and sporting skills.
- Fiji
- Closed on Thursday, 18th July 2019
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ThinkPacific is a government funded organisation, supporting the sporting, academic and extracurricular development of children in rural Fiji.
At the end of May I will be travelling to Fiji to take part in this volunteering programme to support and share my passion for different types of sport among these children, who many never have otherwise had access to such opportunities.
As many people may know, I am studying Sport Performance at the University of Bath. A module called Sport Development, within this course, inspired me to branch out and research into the possibility of volunteering in sport and child development, which is ultimately what I love. After months of searching for volunteering programmes, Think Pacific seemed the most ideal, non-profit organisation, which offered the exact programme I was looking for.
Think Pacific works in direct MOU partnership with the Fijian Ministries of Education, Youth, Sports and Health to achieve national aims for children. Volunteers aid over 20,000 children per year to increase school attendance by 15%, to increase literacy ability by 40%, and to increase the activity and sport levels by 600%. Think Pacific, with the help of your donations, replenishes school resources, provides teacher training, helps to rebuild essential facilities and through your time and effort as a volunteer, increase standards in education, extracurricular activities and sports.
In Fiji 75% of children live in poverty, living off just $1 per day. Only 50% of the Fijian children have access to adequate sanitation and fresh water, and only 5% of children will have access to early years education. All of this severely hinders a child's development and so to be able to be part of something that allows children access to an education which will help shape their whole future is a luxury in its self.
Thank you :)
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