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Donna Vibert raised £20,866 from 541 supporters
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Closed 21/06/2018
Iʼve raised £20,866 to help Charles Polson, who has terminal cancer, to charter a medical plane to return quickly to Northern Ireland with his family
- Funded on Thursday, 21st June 2018
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Many of you will know the lovely Polson family and particularly Charles & Joanne. Charles has been unwell for much of this year but was admitted to hospital and diagnosed on the 8th May with terminal cancer; this is widespread and untreatable. Joanne is also battling MS which is progressive and she was diagnosed with this about 18 months ago.
Charles would like to get home to Northern Ireland as soon as possible to be in his homeland and near his family but has been advised that the cost of chartering the plane will be in the region of £10,000. The family are looking at selling their car and any other ways to meet this need. Obviously the whole family want to relocate to be with him but have no accommodation ready; or jobs to go to.
Charles has always been so generous with his time; particularly with his voluntary service with St. Johns Ambulance & Splash Chat. He has many friends who care for him and I worked out that if all of his 600 friends on facebook could donate £20 each then this would raise the money that he needed. Obviously we need to do this almost overnight as Charles is hoping to leave the Island in the next day or so whilst he is still able.
Should other funding become available for the flight then this money will be able to meet the many other costs that the family will have to meet in the near future including the cost of relocating the rest of the family, their lovely dog, Roxy, and all of their belongings to N.I. Once they are there they will need to find accommodation that will benefit Joanne as her condition progresses.
Charles & Joanne are always the first in line to help other people and the last in line to ask for assistance. Please can you help them and their family in this awful time of need.
Liz Mulholland added this comment which is so true and echoed by many others so I have changed the total we hope to raise: “ think we could add the total to £20,000 to help with mmedical payments, rent and to the day to day normal costs of daily life. With Jo having MS and now Charles in this critical condition it’s going to be tough for them for every day needs. Do you think we could maybe double this?? I’m prepared to doubly mine. Let’s give this family all the hope and support possible. Charles had ALWAYS Been a sweet friend and true gentleman to me. I know his family adore him. Whatever we can do, don’t give up even though you can see the target has been met. That’s merely for their flight home. They are going to need so much more. Please.. do what you can. You have all been amazing. 🙏😘💞”
- 7 years ago
Donna Vibert
7 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 7 years ago
Donna Vibert
7 years agoA message from Joanne: On behalf of Charles, Joanne, Stephen, Andrew, John and Connor Polson. We wish to thank each one of you for your very generous support. We have been overwhelmed and greatly humbled by the love which has been extended to us. Charles is now back in Northern Ireland and is being treated in hospital. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts - you have helped us out of a dreadful situation and provided a buffer for the difficult months ahead. God bless you all.
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- 7 years ago
Donna Vibert
7 years agoAh - well from saying I would close today I now find that I can't: Everything you need to know: Funds are available to withdraw 14 days after launching your page. To withdraw what you've raised so far, all you need to do is head to the 'Funds' tab on your Page. It takes 6-10 working days for the funds to reach you after requesting a withdrawal. So I will close the page on the 6th June. God bless you all for your support and compassion. with kind regards Donna
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Rosemary and Ian Watts
Jun 17, 2018
Ailsa Brown
Jun 17, 2018
Thinking of you all,much love Ailsa
Jun 15, 2018
Neville Wiggins
Jun 11, 2018
Thinking of you all.
Will and Edna Wilson
Jun 10, 2018
Thinking of you and your family Charles
Jun 5, 2018
Wanted to show my support for a Such a Lovely Man and his Loving Family God Bless the all!🙏xxxxxx
Stephen Pinkerton
Jun 3, 2018
Sorry, I just heard the terrible news. He is a lucky to have such a caring friend to organise this page for him.
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