Iʼve raised £860 to buy toys for Hamilton Foodbank to distribute at Christmas to those that need their help.
- Hamilton, Scotland, United Kingdom
- Funded on Monday, 11th December 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
St Peter's in Hamilton has been a long time supporter of the Hamilton Food Bank with weekly donations now averaging well over 150kg per week. Now with Christmas fast approaching and after a conversation during the week, the people who run the food bank and Fr King have came up with the idea of asking people to donate, new and nearly new toys that can be given to the food bank users for their kids.
I was thinking about it last night and as collecting toys from guys on the internet isn't feasible I thought that we could try raising some money that will allow us to buy toys to donate to Hamilton Food Bank so they can distribute them to the appropriate families who are in need this Christmas.
Imagine how you would feel if you knew there was no chance of you getting your kid at least one gift this Christmas?
I initially set the target at £250 as I didn't want to look greedy but I'll raise it and keep raising it, if - as I expect - you guys keep smashing the targets.
And please remember that ANY donation, no matter how small, will be gratefully received and appreciated.
This donations page will remain open until Monday 11th December.
- 7 years ago
Ed 007
7 years agoThere was no problem with the timescale of withdrawing money and getting it as cash to the women - it was somebody else being a bit thick... honest!
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- 7 years ago
Ed 007
7 years agoThat's the target been put up to £1000. Every little helps and if you live in the Hamilton area decent quality or nearly new toys can be handed into St Peter's in Laighstonehall.
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- 7 years ago
Ed 007
7 years agoThat's us getting near the £750 mark which is unbelievable, I really can't thank you all enough. I'm going to raise the limit to £1000 and hopefully with 3 weeks to go we'll smash it senseless. I only noticed the other day about the time scale of getting the cash out which could be a problem for the women at the foodbank time wise but I assure you every penny will be accounted for and explained. Thanks again everyone.
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Ed 007 started crowdfunding
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Damian Bauld
Dec 1, 2017
Good luck with the donations and merry Xmas to all.
Patrick Joyce
Nov 30, 2017
Well done Ed007 for setting up a great cause for kids less fortunate than others at this special time of year.wish I could give more,Merry Christmas
gordon martin
Nov 30, 2017
hope you can get the £1000 and more shared on to my facebook aswell
Ged Thomas
Nov 27, 2017
Keep up the good word EdGT10
David Ballantine
Nov 27, 2017
Great cause, hope this helps from a Lanarkshire Bhoy living in Manchester
James Costello
Nov 27, 2017
Hi ED, you are doing a great job, I hope this helps a little.gerryc
Nov 27, 2017
Good on you mate. A great cause...
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