We did it!
Matthew Applegate raised £400 from 11 supporters
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Closed 03/07/2017
Iʼve raised £400 to create a Creative Computing Centre to provide the local community with an opportunity to engage with technology in a fun and worthwhile way.
- Ipswich, United Kingdom
- Funded on Monday, 3rd July 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
The Creative Computing Club has already had a great deal of positive impact on Suffolk and with great consideration we feel that having our own venue is the next step for it to be able to best support the local community.
The Creative Computing Club has been growing for the last five years and will continue to grow, the only thing that is holding us back is the capacity of our existing venue.
We are constantly reviewing the services we offer to young people of Ipswich and want to be able to offer more such as parent and child sessions, school workshops as well as more regular weekly groups.
The Creative Computing Club was set up to address a problem in Suffolk and and by having this venue it will be able to offer more.
The Creative Computing Club CIC needs to grow to better serve the community and to allow it to do more adventurous projects. We have some really exciting plans. But we are a small not-for-profit organisation so we will need help from the community to achieve this.
If anyone knows anyone who (who would like to donate to the project or knows about buildings) or anything (couches, tables, chairs) that could be of use to the project please let us know.
- 8 years ago
Matthew Applegate
8 years agoGet your name on our sponsor wall! Get your company in front of the next generation of technologists! We are building a new Creative Computing Centre to engage young people in using technology in Suffolk. Help support a great project and get recognition for you or your company. £Only 50.00 for an A4 framed logo / name to be placed in our main entrance.
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Matthew Applegate started crowdfunding
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Tony Barker, Orange Punch
Jun 14, 2017
Very pleased to support in a small way your amazing work.
Liz Minns
Jun 13, 2017
Good luck for a worthy cause :-) From Ann Minns (Harry Handley's Nan)
Clare Simmonds
Jun 8, 2017
Toby Durrant
Jun 8, 2017
Good luck Matt - what a fantastic project.
Ruth Sparkes
Jun 8, 2017
A helping hand :-)
Caroline Handley
Jun 8, 2017
Matt - you are so supportive we are very happy to donate to this wonderful cause where so many doors could be opened for students.
Peter Lee
Jun 4, 2017
Hi Matt, here's a starter for 10. Looking forward to raising additional funds via a sponsored swim. Also to help with professional support & corporate sponsorship from Coderus. Best, Peter
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Matthew Applegate
Ipswich, United Kingdom
Creative Computing Club provides technology based learning opportunities for all ages and abilities to participants in Suffolk. We deliver courses on computer programming, video game design, hardware programming, web development, electronics, robotics and more.