We did it!
2nd Marlborough Scout Group raised £190 from 8 supporters
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Closed 15/09/2022
Iʼve raised £190 to To help raise funds for the 2nd Marlborough Scout Hut
- Funded on Thursday, 15th September 2022
Don't have time to donate right now?
2nd Marlborough Scout Group are planning to join Marlborough Common parkrun for a Fun Run around Marlborough Common in Saturday 21st May 2022 starting at 8am.
The idea behind this event is to raise funds for the Scout Hut - the building is in need of essential repair and insulation – the access to our disabled toilet is in need or our repair and urgent remedial work on the hall floor is needed.
Our Fun Run, in conjunction with parkrun is open to all and we and the Scout Group challenge you to join us as well. Everyone is warmly welcomed. The Fun Run – and we hasten to call it, fun - isn't a mandatory run; everyone can tackle the course at their own pace, walk, jog, run or a mixture of both. After the run is complete, some of our Leaders will be offering up Bacon Rolls, Tea, Coffee and Cake for sale.
We welcome you and your family to attend and have a great time with us!
If you cannot attend but would like to make a donation to 2nd Marlborough Scout Group, this would be fantastic.
We would like to add that this is set up as a crowd funding page as we have had technical difficulties with our normal just giving page that is being investigated.
Thank you very much for your support!
2nd Marlborough Scout Group
Updates appear here
2nd Marlborough Scout Group started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Max Randall
May 29, 2022
Well done Max! Love Grandma
Stephen & Cari Depla
May 23, 2022
Well done, the Randalls! Good effort ...
Liverpool Cousins.
May 22, 2022
Good luck Jemima and Al 👍
May 22, 2022
Good luck!
Christopher Joseph
May 20, 2022
Best of luck and all good wishes from a former Scout Master!
May 20, 2022
Have a LUSH run!! 🤩
May 20, 2022
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