We did it!
Carly Barrett raised £1,223 from 71 supporters
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Closed 22/10/2017
Iʼve raised £1,223 to Running York Marathon to Raise money for something thats close to my heart St Lukes Renal Dialysis Trust Fund
- Funded on Sunday, 22nd October 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
My mum is needing a kidney transplant for the 2nd time in 30 years, she has done remarkably well for it to last 30 years.... She is a trooper is my mum.
I went for blood tests to see if I could be a potential donor but unfortunatley im not a match, it was heartbreaking to find out I couldnt help her out. But I thought what better way to help would be to try raise some money for St Lukes Renal Dialysis Trust Fund who will be taking care of my mum while going through the transplant.
I am going to be put through my paces by running York Marathon on the 8th October... What am I doing?! I ask myself fairly regularly.
I am not a runner, I only started last October running a couple of miles & now I have set myself up to run 26.2 miles.
I am not setting a target as such because I think any amount is a great amount & I thank you all xx
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Carly Barrett started crowdfunding
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Oct 19, 2017
Well done Carly!!! X
Alison Blacka
Oct 10, 2017
Well done Carly. X x x
Victoria Rawnsley
Oct 10, 2017
You've done fantastic hun. What an achievement! Bet your mum is over the moon and so proud of you. Well done... your an inspiration girl!!! Xxx
Jo Brown
Oct 8, 2017
Carly, you're amazing! Well done! Xx
Sophie Kelly
Oct 8, 2017
Well done Carly!
Laura Fordham
Oct 8, 2017
Well done Carly. You did amazing! What a great achievement!xx
Oct 8, 2017
Good luck today carly, I'm sure you will smash this marathon x
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