We did it!
Carla Finzel raised £3,071 from 78 supporters
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Closed 21/06/2021
Iʼve raised £3,071 to provide resources for further development of the District Veterinary Nurse in all communities throughout the UK
- Funded on Monday, 21st June 2021
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Weʼre raising £10,000 to provide resources for further development of the District Veterinary Nurse in all communities throughout the UK
A role that will become an accessible & affordable outreach veterinary care support service – to improve patient welfare & human wellbeing at home.
I am a Registered Veterinary Nurse but I work - uniquely - as a District Veterinary Nurse, allowing pets of those with disabilities, or those who are emotionally distressed to cope or those who are in full time work so not home to nurse their animals and need assistance or those with no access to transport to visit the veterinary practice, to receive the same standard of nursing care as others.
I only work under the direction of the pet’s veterinary surgeon to provide nursing care. Each pet is cared for through the ongoing relationship between the owner, vet and nurse.
Most veterinary care is provided in the veterinary practice and owners have to manage their pet’s medication and treatment regimes in their home. There is no readily available outreach nursing support in the UK for those who can't.
I have been contacted by many registered veterinary nurses who want to provide a district veterinary nursing service in their own communities and make provision for people who are unable to afford or access the services of the veterinary practice following discharge.
I campaign that no owner and no patient are left helpless leaving our veterinary premises - that no animals go without receiving their needed veterinary treatments due to emotional or physical inability by an owner - no judgement, no questions asked, accessible to all - that a District Veterinary Nurse should be readily offered by vets no matter what the circumstances - so no shadow of a doubt that the animal welfare five freedoms especially freedom 3 and freedom 5 are overlooked by the veterinary profession. https://www.rspca.org.uk/whatwedo/endcruelty/changingthelaw/whatwechanged/animalwelfareac
I want to see the development of the District Veterinary Nursing role in the UK, through a programme for Registered Veterinary Nurses with recognition from the veterinary profession and stakeholder organisations.
The impact a District Registered Veterinary Nurse could provide to local communities is invaluable and my work of 6 years testament to it - a massive impact on animal welfare and human well-being.
- 4 years ago
Carla Finzel
4 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 4 years ago
Carla Finzel
4 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 4 years ago
Carla Finzel
4 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Carla Finzel started crowdfunding
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Mar 10, 2021
Love you & all you do 💖🐺🐕 xxx
Mar 10, 2021
Such an amazing job you do for pets and their owners x
Mar 9, 2021
Focus and succeed 🙏🏼
Feb 21, 2021
Without you as my beloved cats 'District Vetinary Nurse' he would have died before Xmas. Its as simple as that.We ALL need your progressive way of thinking/working and care for our animals. .
Jan 3, 2021
Dec 31, 2020
A small donation to your very very Big Cause. Happy New Year 2021 Carla and and to your district veterinary nurses. Keep going. Lots of love xxx
George Cooper
Oct 26, 2020
Tyres, tired, whatever - godspeed Carla
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Carla Finzel
Carla qualified in 2001 as a veterinary nurse. In 2015 she founded the Veterinary District Nurse role, non-existent as a role in the veterinary industry for One Welfare-One Health, so that veterinary practice and care becomes compliant with the Equality Act 2010.